November 2008

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April 23rd, 2008

[info]melie_auclair in [info]toujours_ooc

Hi everyone, I'm River, and my character is Melisande Auclair. She's the only child of a French nobleman. Because of this her father has a lot of high expectations for her including wanting her to marry, but Melisande does pretty much the opposite of what her father expects of her, at least in private. She does her best not to outright disobey her father, but she likes to spend her free time chatting with commoners and listening to the ramblings of revolutionaries. I don't have many ideas at the moment other than that Harry might like to try and win her over, but Melie has run off every possible suitor who's come her way so far so she fully expects to do the same with any new men she might meet. It's not that she's opposed to love, she just doesn't believe she's going to find love with the kind of men he father introduces her to.

[info]lord_eward in [info]toujours_ooc

Hi all, Jade here with the complete opposite of Amandine:

Lord Eward Mountford-Miles of Gillingham. His bio is up, but I'll tell you a bit about him: he's English, 27, the middle of five children. Two younger sisters who adore him, slightly too much to be seen as platonic to the outside world, two older brothers both dead (or are they?). He's got too much money to count, he's never been in love and he's a ball-blaster in business. His servants hardly last a week without getting fired, he's quick to anger but other than that he's generally a nice guy :)

Would love to know of possible connections!