TORCHWOOD R US - August 20th, 2008
the place for all Torchwood fans

tabakat posting in the place for all torchwood fans!
User: [info]torchwood_r_us (posted by [info]tabakat)
Date: 2008-08-20 16:17
Subject: Questions
Security: Public

I am writing an Owen fic, and was wondering, does anyone know did Owen Harper have a medical specialty before joining Torch wood? Also at which of the local Hospitals in and around Cardiff do you think he would moonlight and or volunteer at in his off-time from Torchwood. Yes, I know Doctors don't really Volunteer at hospitals, but if a man doesn't need to sleep and has a job that could leave him with long stretches with nothing to do, he could get bored, no? So do we have the answers and or any suggestions?

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