November 5th, 2011

[info]queenofblades in [info]tookthestarfrom

Breaking The Ice Meme.

Sometimes it can be awkward or you can be a little shy to start a PSL up with someone. That is why this meme exists! Below are 10 genre settings to get you started. Of course, they don't' need to carry over to your PSL, but maybe it'll nudge you in the helpful direction. The prompts are vague and you don't need to worry too much about filling in the blanks! Note these may cause you need to make AU versions of your characters, but that's part of the fun!

how it works:
1. Post with your character. In the heading put the character's name and canon.
2. Roll at the RNG and respond to others with what setting you've been given!
3. Play it out to your creation. There are no rules or limits on what happens in the setting.
4. ???

1) Science Fiction: Earthbound - Science has elevated to the point of making life far, far easier. Genetics are constantly being altered from birth, machines do manual labor, the line between Artificial Intelligence and Human Identity is blurred. Everything is contained on Earth with limited space travel. (ex: Gattaca, I Robot, The Matrix)

2) Science Fiction: Spacebound - Humanity has gone out into the stars, explored, and settled on planets. Alien life is part of every day and accepted. There is either an external or internal driving force that causes humanity to question itself and it's moral bases. What sort of human are you? Multiple planets and space travel. (ex: Battlestar Galatica, Star Trek, StarCraft)

3) Fantasy: High - Medieval worlds with elves, faes, wizards and evil forces who wish to take over the world. Any race can be found in this fantasy world, and there is an external threat that must be taken down to preserve the peace of the world and races. Magic is preferred over science. (ex: Lord of the Rings, 10th Kingdom)

4) Fantasy: Low - Medieval worlds with limited fantasy creatures, mainly humans populate the lands. Perhaps the elves, dragons or woodland beings existed at one point. The threats can be external and internal, given most of it is political or a moral structure. (ex: A Song Of Ice And Fire)

5) Character Drama: Modern - Normal life on normal Earth. There are jobs, bills, and neighbors you love to hate. Maybe even a pet or two. The story isn't necessarily in the setting but in the characters. Maybe it's romantic, maybe it's a mystery, maybe even a comedy. Everything is based in current world. (ex: Every chick flick ever.)

6) Character Drama: Historical - Set in another time and maybe even in another part of the world. Maybe your character is an adventurer, or feeling suppressed by the expectations of the time. Maybe they're a scientist or even working for Scotland Yard to discover the identity of Jack the Ripper. Whatever the genre, it just need to be set in a time period of your choosing. (ex: Kate and Leopold, Gladiator, Finding Neverland)

7) Character Drama: College Days - College. It's that point where you go and become better, greater people... and prank the hell out of your doormats. This is the scenario for crack and humor, maybe even a bit of romance on the side? Just be sure to avoid the shark infested summer house waters. (ex: Texts From Last Night. That's all.)

8) Action/Adventure: Cityscape - Major cities always lead to major adventures with exploding buildings and falling glass. Maybe your character has been turned on by their own country, or perhaps they are secret agent. Perhaps they are even trying to uncover a corporate scandal. The story is theirs but there is going to be a multistory building that explodes. (ex: James Bond, Transformers, every Hollywood blockbuster ever.)

9) Action/Adventure: Seven Wonders - The best part about adventuring in the world is finding the nooks and crannies that no one knows about, or has been forgotten and left to being part of the myth and folklore of the area. Your character's motives for finding them are their own, but whatever that prize is, they want it. And they want it bad. (ex: Tomb Raider, Indiana Jones, Journey to the Center of the Earth)

10) Action/Adventure: Super Heroes - Either an external force from space or an internal force on Earth has caused your character to have powers or take up the mantel of being the hero. Maybe their power comes from Space Ops, or they are at gadget machine, or even born with some kind of super power. The choice is yours, but with great power comes great responsibility and maybe even a love interest. (ex: Screw you, I'm not listing every DC and Marvel movie.)