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Nov. 17th, 2011


Get up out my grill, bro!

Characters: Captain Steve Rogers
NPCs: The Magnificent, the sexy, the dashing and incredibly irresistible Howard Stark (hey-oh!)
Timeline: Thursday, November 17, 2011
Description: Howard and Steve discuss the squads
Rating: PG

Its been called to my attention that there has been a bit of a situation with the Avengers... )

[Steve! ]

Nov. 9th, 2011


Subject: Thread
Characters: Steve Rogers & Lady Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton
NPCs: n/a
Location: Howard Stark School
Timeline: November 9th, 2011. Evening.
Description: Steve is attempting to grade papers and having difficulty on account of his past catching up to him... when a real part of it does.
Rating: PG

Specters of the past. Some more real than others. )

Oct. 17th, 2011


Subject: Thread
Characters: Steve Rogers & Carol Danvers
NPCs:</b> List all NPCS
Location: Howard Stark School
Timeline: October 17th, 2011
Description: After Carol misses class and some of her other obligations, Steve goes to check on her.
Rating: PG

It did not seem like her to skip out. )

Aug. 26th, 2011



Characters: Open to: Danny Rand, Carol Danvers, Johnny Blaze, Hank Pym, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Les Golmen, and Anthony Stark
NPCs: Captain Rogers, Howard Stark, Dr. Strange
Timeline: Thursday, August 25, 2011 - morning [backdated]
Location: Howard's office, Stark School, Hartford, CT.
Description: [Insert ominous description here]
Rating: R? IDK, Johnny Blaze swears a lot.

Alright, send them in. )

Aug. 24th, 2011



Characters: Steve Rogers and Logan
NPCs: --
Timeline: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 - late morning
Location: Gymnasium, Stark School, Hartford, CT
Description: Logan swings by to give Steve a hand
Rating: PG-13? IDK, its Logan

I told you so )


Aug. 23rd, 2011


Thread: This just in--Ghost Rider wrecks havoc at Stark's [OTA]

Characters: Ghost Rider OT reactions and subthreads
NPCs: Captain Rogers, Howard Stark, Steven Strange, The Vision
Location: Stark School (everywhere)
Timeline: August 23, 2011 (just past Monday midnight)
Description: Ghost Rider destroys the school yo
Rating: R (Violence, swearing and possibly more?)
Note: Feel free to have your own subthreads with each other or with GR. Meesha, tell me if I need to change anything! :D


Aug. 20th, 2011


Narrative: This is where we hide your stuff!

Characters: --
NPCs: Captain Rogers, Howard Stark, Steven Strange, The Vision
Location: Cafeteria, Stark School, Hartford, CT
Timeline: Friday, August 19, 2011, during the football game - backdated
Description: What a mysterious Starbucks...
Rating: PG - it goes there.

But why a... Star... bucks? )

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