August 4th, 2013

[info]plusparfait in [info]tomorrowtoday

Thread: Monet enjoys the end of summer

Characters: Monet and OTA
NPCs: None
Location: Stark School Roof
Timeline: Afternoon, 8/4/13
Description: Monet decides to enjoy summer with sunbathing on the roof before the weather goes cold
Rating: TBD but I don't see it being high

Monet decided the best place to get sun would be on top of the roof of the school. )
Tags: ,

[info]snapcrackleboom in [info]tomorrowtoday

Log: Overdue

Characters: Brandon & Billy
NPCs: n/a
Location: Billy & Remy's room, Stark's Campus
Timeline: 3rd August 2013 [Backdated]
Description: Brandon finally goes to see Billy
Rating: PG

Ever since Billy had suddenly appeared in his room, bloody, bruised and near unconscious, Brandon Sharpe hadn't seen the other teenager whilst he had his eyes open. )

[info]skysurfs in [info]tomorrowtoday

Thread: Keep your head up.

Characters: Abby Boylen and Teddy Altman
Location: Stark's, Dorms
Timeline: Sunday, August 4th
Description: Abby goes looking for Patsy and runs into Teddy instead.
Rating: PG

She wasn't watching where she was going. )

[info]barelyvisible in [info]tomorrowtoday

Thread: Making Friends

Characters: Sue Storm & Julie Power
NPCs: n/a
Location: Stark Campus
Timeline: 4th August 2013, mid afternoon
Description: Sue returns from the beach and runs into Julie
Rating: TBD

Her hair was still slightly damp and curling around her shoulders as Sue stepped off the shuttle and headed back into the school, skinny jeans hugging and accentuating her long shapely legs and tanktop leaving very little to the imagination. )

December 2015



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