Tom Riddle fans' Journal
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Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

    Time Event
    (I hope this is all right. If not, please feel free to delete.)

    Greetings to all!

    I would wager that most of you remember [info]darklord_news, a small journal used for reccing the week's Voldemort and Tom-centric works.

    Unfortunately [info]darklord_news is no longer with us. In its place is the new [info]team_darklord.

    This is a community that everyone is invited to watch as it houses recs pertaining to Voldemort and Tom-centric works at least once a week. The mods are friendly and promise to give everyone a week's notice if they ever decide to walk off the face of the Earth.

    So please watch our new community! We welcome any recs as well!

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