Tom Riddle fans' Journal
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Monday, January 28th, 2008

    Time Event
    A few Recs
    Choosing Loyalties by ntamara [NC-17]
    Ten minutes before Hagrid arrives to tell Harry of his wizarding parentage and destiny, Harry is kidnapped by a Voldemort controlled Quirrell while Peter Pettigrew casts a doppelganger spell and takes Harry's place.

    Usually when i see so many pairings in a summary i ignore the link. I'm glad i ended up reading this one, while there is a good bit of smut in it, the plot is wonderful.
    The story is well written and completed.

    Not sure of the name of this one
    By vivien529
    Rating: PG
    Pairing: Minerva/Tom


    VERY amusing AU story of how things would have been if Tom and McGonnagal had gotten married.

    I read a story on skeyhawke a year or so ago, the main plot was that after the final battle everyone thought that Harry had killed Voldemort but he actually merged in Harry's body, It was well written and very amusing. Does anyone have a link to it?

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