Tom Riddle fans' Journal
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Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

    Time Event
    Title: Nothing Like the Sun
    Author: Pipenerd/ [info]mizstorge (2007)
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Slash, but nothing graphic.
    Category: AU, Romance.
    Pairing: HP/LV
    Word Count: About 3,100
    Summary: Insight means seeing with the heart.
    Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling created and owns Harry Potter. (looks in mirror: Nope, not her.) Rights are held by JKR, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic. Warner Brothers and goodness knows who else. If the fans had copyright, the series would be much more interesting! Not profiting, just enjoying.
    Comments: This is a belated birthday gift for for Anaria Nothren. Thanks to my beta, hobtheknife.

    Fake cut to my journal.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Lovesong - The Cure

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