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Thursday, April 24th, 2008

    Time Event
    Weekly Update for 04/24/08

    *apparates into Leaky’s Crafty Witch workroom*

    *sees note pinned to corkboard*

    from hardhatcat )

    I’m not going to be around this week because the Ministry of Magic is sending me to some conference on the other side of Australia.  I’ll see you and get updated when I get back.

    Much love and toodles,



    *sees second note pinned to corkboard*

    from dragonsinger954 )

    Cat said she was going to be gone for WORK reasons?  Yeah, right.  Check out this news article

    --still giggling, Dragonsinger”


    *wanders to desk*

    *finds note spellotaped to computer*

    from quietish )

    Reminder for the Craft-Along!  Thanks!


    PS:  Have you seen Trevor?  I think Filch got a hold of him last week…Nev’s worried…


    *boots computer*

    *finds email from Fearless Leader*

    from jennbrad52 )

    I’ll be out of commission this week.  I have an ear infection.  Everything sounds like a toad in my ears.  Oh, and Filch tried to give me a detention!  Can you believe that?  ME, a Crafty Witch.  …incidentally, I don’t think he’s a Squib after all…because I sorta went deaf after I laughed at a joke about Mrs Norris, and that’s when the ear problems started up.  I’m going to see Madam Pomfrey later today…

    --As_Weasley_As_I_Wanna Be


    *finds email from other Fearless Leader*

    from josee_madalia )

    I’ve been out a bit requesting permissions to post tutorials and photos for Leaky.  You wouldn’t believe the dragon I had to fight at Gringotts last week to get a pattern out of one of the deeper level vaults.   There I was!  Swishing and flicking and waving and jabbing and ….well, in the end, I may have lost an eyebrow when I disapperated, but I got the pattern, and someone else has to deal with a disgruntled dragon on that side of the security vaults.  Reminders for Craft-Along, new links, and our email for questions, tutorials and everything else.

    Going back into the fray, Josée_Madalia



    Busy little Crafty Witches we are!!! )

    Now for some memos and reminders:

    Coming SOON!!!  Leaky’s first Craft-Along!!!  Join up with your fellow crafters and have fun.  What is a Craft-Along?  We provide a list of supplies and instructions and everyone who wants works on the project at the same time.  Keep your ear and eyes on Leaky!  The Craft-Along starts May 1st!  Our forum is now up on Leaky!  See you next Thursday!

    And don't forget that the Crafty Witches are always happy to accept your original Potter-themed patterns by email using the submission forms that can be found here.

    Also, if you see anything that needs correcting or wanna make a comment about it, please email us so we can do what the Crafty Witches do with it.

    Looking for all the places that the Crafty Witches are trying to take over the world?  You can find us at Leaky, HarryPotterCrafts, LiveJournal, InsaneJournal, GreatestJournal, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Ravelry, Bebo, My Yearbook, Zondara, and Gaia Online.





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