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Time Warp :: An AU Harry Potter RPG

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[13 Mar 2010|01:17am]
Who: Severus and Lavender
When: Saturday night, 6PM
Where: Lavender's flat, then a restaurant
What: Their second date
Rating: Very High
Status: Closed/Complete
This is nice. )
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[13 Mar 2010|05:01am]
Who: Mandy, Terry, Roger, Morag, Cedric, & Cho
When: Friday night, 6PM
Where: A Pizzeria, then the bars!
What: Celebrating Mandy's new job!
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

We're Gonna Party Like It's 1999 )
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[13 Mar 2010|05:06am]
Who: Hannah and Molly
When: Saturday morning
Where: The Park
What: Thoughtful contemplations
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete/Open

No One's Alone )
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[13 Mar 2010|10:49am]
Who: Daphne Greengrass, Malachi Lestrange & Rodolphus Lestrange
Where: Daphne & Rodolphus flat
When: Saturday morning
What: Daphne meets her new roommate, Malachi meets his son. Awkward fun!
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Well isn't this awkward? )
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Ambushing Alecto [13 Mar 2010|01:00pm]
Who: Meg and Alecto Carrow, Meg's kiddos, Meg 1.0?
When: Saturday morning
Where: Alecto's flat
What: Meg goes running to Mummy for advice
Rating: TBD, low-ish
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Some might say we will find a brighter day  )
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[13 Mar 2010|03:28pm]
Who: Theodore Nott and Open
Where: Cafe
When: Morning
Rating: TBD
Status: Open

Theodore wanted to go home )
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[13 Mar 2010|03:50pm]
Who: Sarah and OTA
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The street
What: Sarah's shopping
Rating: TBD
Status: Open/Incomplete
Read more )
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[13 Mar 2010|04:00pm]
Who: Vic and OTA
When: Saturday night
Where: An Italian restaurant
What: She wants to treat herself to a nice meal
Rating: Low
Status: Open/Incomplete
This is great. )
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[13 Mar 2010|09:19pm]
Who: Severus & Narcissa
When: Sunday Morning
Where: Severus' Apartment
What: Severus has important news to tell her
Rating: PG
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Good News? )
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[13 Mar 2010|10:48pm]
Who: Astoria and Draco
Where: Their flat
When: Friday night
Rating: likely high
Status: Closed

I should not be so afraid. )
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