OOC Community for Time Warp's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for Time Warp

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[25 Mar 2010|09:24pm]
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm heading down to D.C. tomorrow for the entire weekend (Cherry Blossom Festival, woohoo). So I won't be around at all this weekend. I'm coming back Sunday afternoon, but I'll have to scramble to do a 15-page paper for Monday (booo :()

If you need me for anything, I can check email on my phone. Otherwise I won't have much access to the internet or any time until Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

(Lily Luna Potter)
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[25 Mar 2010|09:54pm]
It's Raiha again and this time I bring in the attention whore herself, Miss Parvati Patil. Vati was a gossip and a serial dater in school and she's the same now, the only thing that's really changed is that she's a model now and that REALLY goes to her head. Why wouldn't it? People pay her because she's beautiful. Vati has model down to a tee, she never leaves her flat looking like she's worth less then two million dollars and normally doesn't wake up for less then $10,000 a day (thanks for that Linda Evangelista!). While deep, deep, deep down there is a caring side to Vati she normally doesn't show it. She's not hard to get a long with and won't hesitate to point out flaws.

A more in depth bio is here and there will be more icons very soon!

As a side note I won't be on to reply or play until late tomorrow night or Sat. I'm moving so tonight and tomorrow will be devoted to that! Don't worry Kat I will tag back!
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[ viewing | March 25th, 2010 ]
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