OOC Community for Time Warp's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC Community for Time Warp

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[08 Mar 2010|09:37pm]
Hi there!

I just wanted to ask if anyone wanted to do a thread with Cedric. For someone who's easy at making friends... well, let's just say he didn't interact with that many people. :(

Let me know if and when you'd like to do a thread. :)

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Busy Times [08 Mar 2010|10:34pm]
Work has eaten me alive. Now that I've really gotten into the swing of things, I have far less time to myself than expected, most of which is spent sleeping, and it's about to drive me insane. Also, IJ is blocked at the office, so I can't even pop on during breaks. I'm truly, truly sorry for my prolonged absences from posting. My schedule is a lot more packed than I thought it would be. Please bear with me, as I'm not usually this inconsistent...this trip has thrown me for a loop. I'm soooo ready to go home now. Only 2 weeks to go.

ETA: I've managed to tag everything I had open, I *think*, so if I missed you, please nudge me. Or if you just generally need me or want to plan threads, for that matter. Email is the best at the moment, because of limited IJ access. (worldsapart76@gmail.com) It's the wee hours of the morning in the US, and I'm off to work in minutes, so I won't be able to tag again until I get off and back to the hotel, afternoon US time (assuming I can stay awake long enough).

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