Time of Trial - October 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 4th, 2009

Not to be combative, but... [Oct. 4th, 2009|01:27 am]
Apparently, there are people muttering about Gryffindor's victory last week, claiming we were cheating.

For the record, Gryffindor Does Not Cheat! We don't need to because, oh, we practice, we work together and have that little thing called TALENT. Slytherin might have heard of that, no?

Anyone who wants to take up this debate with me more personally, is welcome to, anytime.
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[Oct. 4th, 2009|10:30 am]
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Who: Ron and Hermione
What: Talking about ...things
When: late afternoon, Saturday
Where: Library
Warnings: Pg-13 (for language maybe?)

He had not been hungry upon his return from Hogsmeade, and headed up directly towards the Library )
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A party, just when we need it most [Oct. 4th, 2009|06:17 pm]
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Who: Remus, Sirius, and invited guests
What: Housewarming party
When: Evening
Where: Remus and Sirius' flat
Warnings: Likely Pg-13 (language and drinkin'!)
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Owl to Severus Snape [Oct. 4th, 2009|11:38 pm]
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[Mood |amused]

Owl to Severus Snape )
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