Time of Trial - September 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 25th, 2009

That's where that bludger got me... [Sep. 25th, 2009|07:40 pm]
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[Mood |cheerful]

Who: Oliver Wood and open
What: just a random meeting, not the workshop yet
When: around lunch
Where: Hogwarts, Quidditch pitch
Warnings: cursing

Oliver smiled to himself and looked around. He was standing in the middle of the Quidditch field, quite excited to be back there again. The weather was perfect for flying and he couldn't wait to start with the workshop, but that would have to wait for a little longer. He sighed softly at the memories he had from his own games on the field and decided it had been a good idea to come back and maybe share those memories and new experiences he'd gained after school with some of the students later on.

He was just turning to go back up to the castle, when he found that there was someone else on the pitch with him...
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