Ideas For Frugal Living
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Tuesday, July 27th, 2004

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    Hi. I am a student of thrift. This has been a nessesity in order for my family to survive, at times, and recently it has helped us to afford our own house on a limited budget.

    We live in an expensive state, Massachusetts, and our income is pretty low for a family of five. We have still managed through thrift to get the house of our dreams. My husband works for an employer that doesn't pay very well. Many of his co-workers were shocked when we bought a house on just his income. They can't understand where we got the money to do this... these same people see my husband bring his lunch in every day, saving roughly $30/week that most of them spend to eat out. They also beleive that they could not survive without cable... we enjoy board games, RPGs, swimming, walking, reading, ... and we have time to do household projects since we gave up cable.

    Sometimes my husband and I feel weird, like we are the only people who don't buy the over-priced school pictures for the kids, or the only ones who turn down invitations to go out with all our friends to restaurants and the like. These are things which we choose not to do so we can meet our nessesary expenses every month. We get everything we can secondhand. We shop tag sales and thrift stores for a good deal of what we need.

    How about you?

    Current Mood: curious

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