Royal Wands Threads' Journal
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Friday, March 27th, 2020

    Time Event
    [If you are a Nobility or High Nobility--assume you got a missive via owl post regarding this event. I am too lazy to mock-up an invite]

    We are about a week and a half away from our Moon Calf Dance event here at the Menagerie and I am just hoping that we get things done in time. Remember to please RSVP as we require accurate numbers for security reasons and to ensure that we have an appropriate number of tables set up. There is still time, of course, but I'm starting to feel as though the days are speeding up a bit.

    Aside from getting ready for the event, things have been relatively quiet at work. We did have a bit of a scuffle between two nifflers over an earring that they found, but we were able to mediate and everyone seems to be getting along again.

    [Private to Oberon]
    Thank you again for all of your help with this. I don't know what I would've done without you. Please let me know how I can repay you. I definitely owe you several favors.
    TO: Zacharias Smith and Megan Jones
    FROM: Justin Finch-Fletchley
    WHEN: Friday Evening, after work

    A (NSFW) Gift Basket )

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