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Feb. 22nd, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & invited guests
Setting: 22 December into 23 December; around town
Summary: The IS got their party, at the last minute Michael puts together a little something for his people.

we gonna run this town tonight... )

Feb. 16th, 2011


WHO: Michael and Anthony
WHERE: 7th year Ravenclaw boys dorm and showers
WHEN: early morning, after Morag leaves the dorm
WHAT: Michael gets the wrong idea about Morag sleeping in Anthony's bed
Rating: PG

I don’t think I was dreaming this morning when I saw a lovely young woman leaving our room. )

Feb. 12th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & Luna Lovegood
Setting: Saturday afternoon, Room of Requirement
Summary: Michael is finally ready to ask Luna what was in the article about muggleborns dying in Azkaban, even although he doesn't really want to know. Then he seeks comfort the only way he knows how.

Before now he wasn't ready to know. He needed to be the Schrödinger's cat just a little bit longer. )

Feb. 10th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & Terry Boot
Setting: 7th year dorm, Thursday during dinner
Summary: Michael & Terry are bros.

He still hadn't read it yet. And he wasn't sure what was worse, knowing there was something out there without knowing what, or actually having to face what was printed. )

Feb. 5th, 2011


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: Quidditch Pitch; December 5, 1-3pm.
Rating: PG-13 for the cruel slaughter of books. :(
Summary: The mandatory Muggle Studies “field trip”.
Status: IC/OOC reactions.

Burn baby, buuurn. )
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Jan. 31st, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, Parvati Patil, Andrew Kirke, Declan McLaggen & Mrs. Norris
Setting: Late Monday evening, the Great Hall
Summary: Three DA members are spreading information about Muggleborns/the Entwhistles in the Great Hall after hours. When they hear someone coming, one volunteers to distract the approaching Prefects while the other two escape. The one who stays behind is caught and taken to the Carrows.

He knew that it was a bit more foolish than normal for him to be out and about doing DA things considering how eyes were likely on him, but after Stephen’s posters showed up in their common room yesterday, there was no way he was staying behind. )

Jan. 30th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & Lavender Brown
Setting: The library, Sunday afternoon
Summary: Michael and Lavender join forces to solve a very important problem - Terry Boot has no sexual experience.

Terry would probably grumble a bit at first, but in the long run...well, in the long run, Michael really could do no harm.  )

Jan. 28th, 2011


Delivery via house-elf )


Characters: Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, Megan Jones, Nicholas Saint, Terry Boot
Setting: Friday, leaving the Dark Arts classroom
Summary: It's not fainting as much as it as sudden drop in his blood pressure that causes temporarily unconsciousness. (Also known as see no one is slipping Michael Corner food, but also he's not eating.)

It really didn't have to get as bad as it did. )

Jan. 26th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner and Elisabeth Higgs
Setting: Ravenclaw Common Room, Wednesday evening
Rating: GP
Summary: See, with this war that they are fighting, while it can be a student rebellion, Michael thinks that some parent intervention couldn't hurt.

Sighing, he leaned back in the chair not sure where to begin or end, but at the moment it didn't quite matter. )

Jan. 22nd, 2011


Characters: Anyone present at the Quidditch game!
Setting: Quidditch Pitch; November 22nd
Rating: PG.
Summary: The Ravenclaw v. Hufflepuff Quidditch game
Status: IC/OOC reactions.

There are no surprises when the match starts, and for the first half-hour it seems like Quidditch as usual. )

Jan. 20th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & Anthony Goldstein
Setting: 7th year boys dorm, mid day on 20 November
Summary: Well, someone has to eventually confirm that Michael is alive and whole.

Michael needed it to hurt. )


Characters: Michael Corner
Setting: 20 November in the wee hours of morning, following the raid.
Summary: It's a pretty shitty way to start a birthday AKA Happy Birthday, Michael your present is that Snape isn't letting the Carrows torture you.

Then there was Snape looking at him like he might know more than what was being said... )

Jan. 17th, 2011


CHARACTERS: Terry Boot, Nathan Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner.
PLOT: OOC/IC of Nathan showing the lot of them his "improvements" on his little owl. Ah, trying to gain brotherly approval. It's impossible.
SETTING: Standing Stones, mid-afternoon, 17th November.
RATING: Quite Low. Unless the Boots lose patience with one another.

A little rehashing and a few things new. )

Jan. 16th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & Padma Patil
Setting: Sunday, the library where most Ravenclaws live
Rating: GP
Summary: Michael attempts to let Padma in on the plan, only he can't quite read her the way that Terry Boot does.

She felt like Michael wasn’t being straightforward with her, which was a silly thing to be bothered by-- that just went with being part of an underground movement, right? Spying and sneaking around? )

Jan. 13th, 2011


WHO: Michael and Nathan.
SETTING: Near and above the Pitch.
PLOT: Rebuilding their bond, and Nathan wants to show Michael his R&D.
RATING: Almost definitely low.

Meet my new bird, Michael. )

Jan. 11th, 2011


WHO: Michael and Nathan.
WHERE: Outside the castle.
WHEN: November 11th, around 5:30am.
SUMMARY: Reconciliation.

Dawn hadn't even cracked yet. )

Jan. 10th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & Luna Lovegood
Setting: RoR, Monday between four and five
Rating: GP
Summary: Michael has been off the radar most of the day because he's been working on things that he now wants to share with Luna Lovegood, who might also be a very calming influence for him and he needs to be calm. (And also because I haven't spammed the community enough.)

It was weird to see Kevin there, looking back at him. The picture captured a different time - before the things changed. If only he could step through and go back there, warn them all what was coming. )


Characters: Michael Corner & Ginny Weasley
Setting: The Pitch, Monday morning near the end of breakfast
Rating: Minor violence, light swearing
Summary: After learning about Kevin's murder Michael feels the need to punch things, but Ginny is there to help him turn that anger into something productive. And a new sort of campaign for the DA is born.

That just made him want to punch something or hang out upside down until all the blood rushed to his head and he passed out. )

Jan. 9th, 2011


Characters: Michael Corner & Ernie Macmillan
Setting: Room of Requirement, Sunday Afternoon
Rating: GP
Summary: There are a lot of moving pieces in play and in order for things to go to any sort of plan, the DA needs to be on the same page.

Things had seemed to explode all at once and he was sure that it was just the beginning. )

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July 2011




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