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April 17th, 2011

[info]justpretend in [info]theycouldbe

Request: Sister for AJ Mclean

I'm looking for someone that could pass as a younger sister to AJ Mclean. She would need to be between 19-21 years old. Anyone know of any PBs that would fit? Thank you!!

[info]drelo in [info]theycouldbe

Abbey Lee is pretty much gorgeous, lovely, Australian, etc. Who could pass as her sister, preferably more then one person and Abbey Lee with her peroxide blonde hair.

[info]checkedoutearly in [info]theycouldbe

AJ Mclean and Minka Kelly

Who: AJ Mclean and Minka Kelly
They could be: Siblings
Credit To: [info]forgreatjustice, Hollow Art

[info]jillian in [info]theycouldbe

Eileen Boylan, Nicole Anderson

Who: Eileen Boylan, Nicole Anderson
They could be: sisters
Credit To: [info]huntandgather (Eileen) & [info]swansong (Nicole)

[info]jillian in [info]theycouldbe

Julie Gonzalo, Meaghan Jette Martin

Who: Julie Gonzalo, Meaghan Jette Martin
They could be: sisters
Credit To: all icons by [info]swansong

[info]checkedoutearly in [info]theycouldbe

Freya Mavor and Juno Temple

Who: Freya Mavor and Juno Temple
They could be: Sisters or cousins
Credit To: [info]embargo, [info]peristyle

I feel like both these girls would be wonderful PBs for an older Luna Lovegood -- especially Juno.

[info]insertusername in [info]theycouldbe

Request: Brother for Lyndsy Fonesca.

I am looking for someone that can pass as the younger brother of Lyndsy Fonesca. He would be fifteen years old and the only thing I care about is that they look alike.

[info]midichlorians in [info]theycouldbe

Who: Jensen Ackles and Ryan Phillippe
They could be: Brothers
Credit To: [info]fenostol & [info]yuckfou

[info]checkedoutearly in [info]theycouldbe

Gregg Sulkin and Robert Pattinson

Who: Gregg Sulkin and Robert Pattinson
They could be: brothers
Credit To: Hollow Art

[info]checkedoutearly in [info]theycouldbe

Jensen Ackles and Cody Christian

Who: Jensen Ackles & Cody Christian
They could be: father-son
Credit To: Hollow Art

It may just be in this image, but daaaaamn Cody looks like MINI!Dean.