Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

Filtered From Stephen Hart

Are all men dense and daft?
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Sunday, June 30th, 2013

I've seen and heard that people are making it back from the arena? Welcome back! I'm still not sure what to make of this place, I've been here for almost three weeks now.

So hello, people I have not met yet! I'm Rose Tyler and word is that there is another Doctor here as well? I know of one that lives in the room right next to mine. Have to say that's a really strange thought, having more than one of him around.

I honestly have no idea what else to say here! I haven't been very active lately on this network!
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Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Alright then, got this working. Well it was working before, but then I broke it to make it better; turns out, not any better, very alien this alien tech. And that's odd coming from me, but still! I'll modify it later.

Until then.

Hello. I'm the Doctor. And I am here to tell all of you that your time here is almost over; there will be no more killing, no more fighting, as long as I am here. Well perhaps not no more, I do suppose a tiny bit of fighting will occur, considering we'll likely have to fight our way out of this entire mess.

Still, anyway, yes... I am appalled at the situation we seem to be finding ourselves in, but no more. I may require the assistance of at least a few of you, but no worries! It will be dangerous, but I assure you it will be worth it. I hope. Depending where you come from I suppose when you get sent back.

Anyway, that's beside the point: the point is you're going back. And if the alien 'overlords' would like to have anything to say about it, they can come talk to me personally, face to face, and not hiding like cowards behind their--whatever it is they're hiding behind.
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Monday, April 29th, 2013

I knew that stupid bloody thing didn't like me, but I didn't think it would actually try and kick me out. It's a box, for goodness' sake. This is absolutely bonkers. I've no idea where I am. I don't--

Has anyone seen a strange man with a big chin and terrible choice in clothing around? Talks fast, asks loads of questions? Please say yes. Believe me, you'd know him if you saw him. He's kind of unforgettable that way. I'm a bit lost and finding him would help loads. For that matter, can anyone tell me where we are? A box. A stupid box has it in for me and left me in some strange place. Great.
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Friday, January 4th, 2013

Monsters? Really?

And nobody had the decency to bring a monster from Doctor Who, or something? At least then I would have known what to do with it.
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Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

All right, all you little lost souls. It's Boxing Day, aka the holiday better than Christmas because this day means brilliant left overs, playing with all sorts of goodies and left over Christmas Crackers. I've got enough tea to supply a militia, biscuits to go with, about half a ham and assorted half-eaten pies. Come on, you lot, have at it. 108 East Street, D District.
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Friday, December 7th, 2012

It's been two weeks and I've come to the conclusion that if anything was going to make me start drinking again it would be being stuck in this place. I hate it. I miss home...I miss my son.

Not that I would. Sobriety is challenging but I made a promise to stick to it.
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Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Alright, whoever or whatever you are that had the brilliant idea to pluck me up out of my home, you listen here: I've got a mate, my best mate, who isn't going to be terribly happy that I got abducted, again, without warning, so if you know what's good for you, you'll do whatever thing you have to do to send me back home before he gets wind of this. I'll get cross, and that's possibly more dangerous than me just leavin' you to him. Got it?
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