Thursday, December 20th, 2012

My gifts have been wrapped, as per proper protocol, however I do not feel as though I did an adequate job. I apologize ahead of time if my presents to you are less than presentable in appearance.
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Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Observations of the Month:

• Christmas carols are very, very odd.
• Arenas, while terrifying, are not as bad as I originally thought them to be.
• Eggnog is a startling sensation. I feel as though a brick mass has accumulated in my stomach.

I need your assistance. Although, I suppose that in this instance, you could call it advice. I need your advice.
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Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

This will be my first arena. Do any of you veterans have any words of wisdom? I would be happy to hear it.

private to: violet, link, and the doctor
I don't want to go.

Must we fight?
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Thursday, November 8th, 2012

The forest is a remarkable place. To anyone who has not ventured through it, I would suggest a light walk-through. Proceed with caution, of course, but it is rather fascinating.
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Friday, October 19th, 2012

As a new arrival to this place, it is right for me to offer introduction. I am Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, last of the Dynast-Kings and ruler of Dalmasca.

This technology is much more readily understandable than memstones.
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Is it customary to bring frogs home in this culture?
At what hour do you consider it to be 'late' here?
Is it unusual to find someone sleeping on a tabletop?
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Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

i do not understand. who would play a prank to this velocity/ is there no way back/ i have acquired little knowledge of this land. there is so much to learn, and little time. arenas/ this all seems far fetched. are we sure this is not an illusion/
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