Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Alright then, got this working. Well it was working before, but then I broke it to make it better; turns out, not any better, very alien this alien tech. And that's odd coming from me, but still! I'll modify it later.

Until then.

Hello. I'm the Doctor. And I am here to tell all of you that your time here is almost over; there will be no more killing, no more fighting, as long as I am here. Well perhaps not no more, I do suppose a tiny bit of fighting will occur, considering we'll likely have to fight our way out of this entire mess.

Still, anyway, yes... I am appalled at the situation we seem to be finding ourselves in, but no more. I may require the assistance of at least a few of you, but no worries! It will be dangerous, but I assure you it will be worth it. I hope. Depending where you come from I suppose when you get sent back.

Anyway, that's beside the point: the point is you're going back. And if the alien 'overlords' would like to have anything to say about it, they can come talk to me personally, face to face, and not hiding like cowards behind their--whatever it is they're hiding behind.
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Monday, April 15th, 2013

So, hi. I thought I should get myself acquainted with this thing.

I'm Claire and I'm new off the teleportation train or whatever is going on here. I would have been monster food my first day if Peter hadn't saved me but that is just the kind of guy he is.

So these arenas that we have to participate in, what are they like really? Do you have to train for them?
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Friday, April 5th, 2013

Is it safe to come out now? I heard there was a baby epidemic.
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Monday, March 18th, 2013

So, for the last week all I've heard people complain about has been the lack of power here. Seriously? Now, it's back. I have a cell phone. I haven't had a cell phone in months.

I don't know what to think about this I wish Glenn

This place is both a miracle and a curse for me. Sleeping in a bed has been nice.
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