Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

I get the whole alien/weird island/arena fighting thing— well, I mean, not really because who even gets things like that? It's weird, right? And I know weird because there's that whole thing with the finding out everything and it's uncle wants to jump out of Tartarus and kill you because you're the kid of a god or goddess which is weird but somehow not quite as weird as finding out that there are aliens and arenas. I'm not so much worried about the arenas because what's one more fight, right? Story of my life, guys. And I guess it's alright that I can use this smart phone without a hundred monsters descending with the desire to kill me that I mentioned before so I can talk to whoever else is here and all but that's not even the point. The point is that I'm here and this wasn't what I was expecting and I know where I was going so I know this has to be real because it's definitely not where I was going. Which basically just all boils down to skipping all of the extended explanations and answering one really important question which is WHERE IS ANNABETH CHASE?
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