Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

So I've had some pretty elaborate dreams. There was this one with the dancing hippos but instead of pink they were green and were those dancing elephants I don't even know the point is they were in it and they made me their king and taught me how to play the xylophone. Then there was that one when instead of being naked in class I was covered in steaks, and I don't have any idea what that means but the point is. This is new. This is very new.

And I didn't just say all of that wow. Hi. Please let this be a dream. If not. Boy is my face going to be steak-red. Ha ha. I kid. I'm Peter Parker. Help?
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Friday, April 5th, 2013

Is it safe to come out now? I heard there was a baby epidemic.
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Monday, February 4th, 2013

I know it sucks for all you who've lost people, I really do.

But right now I'm being a selfish brat and wondering why it couldn't have been me.

[Filter to Violet and Jackson, added later]
Hilarious Italian Dude is making us a roast. Bring your appetite.
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