Monday, April 21st, 2014

I'm not sure how the arena participants are chosen or what happens when we're in there. I was under the impression that there was always some kind of fighting, but someone was saying that the one coming up wasn't about fighting?
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Monday, April 7th, 2014

Okay, this is not funny.

Is this some kind of Guardian test no one warned me about?
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Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

RIGHT! So it would seem to me that, following the events of this Arena, that the obvious has finally been set before me. Big scary alien overseers who pit us against one another, or with one another, in battles of sport, violence, or mental capacity in order to collect money. Gladiators for the Roman profits.

I suppose the next question would be why, but having enticingly divulged in the histories it would seem that question has maybe been answered. We're being saved, and to do our part in being saved we're asked to compete. Is this correct?
(7 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, January 19th, 2014

Oh gods please please don't let her be

Has anyone seen Annabeth?
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Thursday, December 19th, 2013

I guess I know a bunch of you. I'm sorry, I don't remember you. But hopefully no one has a bounty out on my head from something another me did.
(22 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

What the hell is a smart phone?
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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

This is serious business.

I just created the best snow fort. I haven't decided yet who's allowed in it. So make your case now.
(43 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

I have not seen Balthier in several days. He knows I find it vexing.
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Friday, August 16th, 2013

So it turns out that I need money for things, who knew right? I was thinking about what could be a good career to go into and considering my unique ability I think the hospital would be a good bet. Anyone know if there are any jobs going there?
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

So the Aliens are going to be around less and have left us not with islands but with a whole planet that we can terraform? That is an interesting development.
(20 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

I suppose it's absolutely imperative that I bring this up to you lot. It is absolutely and highly likely that the aliens might be lying about your homeworlds being eradicated or 'missing'. Now, from the interview I heard I understand that they have 'disappeared'. Such a thing is relatively possible, but only by an outside force. The Daleks of my world have managed it before. That being said, it likely doesn't mean planets are just destroyed, they simply have been relocated.

It would be entirely out of the realm of possibility for a planet to be suddenly 'sucked' out of existence and not be positioned elsewhere in the universe. That being said, it would not be entirely out of the realm of possibility for planets to be destroyed. There are millions of things in the Universe that can do this, and some can happen instantly and without warning--they're rather spectacular events really, despite the destruction they may cause.

That being said the mathematical probability of every single one of our homeworlds, in every single separate universe, to be wiped out at the exact same time and for us to be magically the only ones brought here.

Why do I mention all of this? I want everyone to remain as calm as possible and to remember that you should never give up hope.

I will not lie to you, however, and unfortunately must state that I have never met any aliens with the sort of power these creatures yield. My previous statement of finding a way out of here right away might have been premature, but rest assured I am working on it. I might require the assistance of other brilliant people though.

If I could just get my hands on my TARDIS.

But remain calm, as we will overcome this. That much I can guarantee you. It may seem hopeless, but it isn't. It never is. There's always a way out, because all of us are still very much alive.

[Filtered to Team TARDIS]

Doctor, Rose, Ponds, and Donna, it would seem Clara has vanished. I have to find her again and I know that the only way to to that is to get my TARDIS back. That being said, we have even more pressing matters at hand, these aliens are powerful and we're going to need to make sure to maintain a steady level of calm. I trust the lot of you because you've all seen things like this before, you can remain calm, and I personally need to know you trust me. Well... I suppose us since there are two of me.

A bit difficult, that, isn't it? Keeping track of yourself as two individuals. No matter. Doctor, I'm thinking it might be possible to build a signal that might allow the TARDIS to latch on and break through realities to get here, I'm not entirely sure it will work, but I figure that this particular area of reality has so many people coming and going... that it might be weak enough for the TARDIS to pilot itself through... I'm assuming you know the kind of materials we'd need for such a device. It might not work, but it very well could.
(27 comments | Leave a comment)

Returners, I volunteered us to take care of the rest of the monsters in this area. Get your gear on.

Anyone who wishes to join us, we will be meeting at the housing district and move from there.
(26 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, July 26th, 2013

Good luck to everyone entering the arena. Any news on what it's going to be yet?

[Filtered to Annabeth]
You won't need it, but good luck. I'll be watching.

[Filtered to Violet]
Good luck! Just for you I'm going to try to cook something for when you get back. I make no promises the house will still be standing.

[Filtered to Luke]
Remember what we said about not dying on each other.
(12 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Does anyone know if there's a library around here? A bit bored really, and haven't been able to read for quite some time which is just terrible.
(9 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

Can someone explain to me how these Arena's exactly work?
(39 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

All of this here is really just quite rubbish. Nevermind the whole Universe likely ready to implode upon itself, but really... no Jammie Dodgers anywhere in this place? Really, what good are hospitable alien slave drivers if they can't provide a decent biscuit now and again?

Good thing is, this place is completely devoid of Twitter, which is really just a hopeless cesspool of zombified humans.

Also can anyone point me to the nearest energy output station?

[Private to TEAM TARDIS]

Hello you lot, alright so back to that point I was making about the Universe imploding and what not. Nothing's actually showing that for me, then again all I've got is my screwdriver. Right now a TARDIS computer would be really nice. Still, anyway, likely going to happen. A lot of crossing timelines and Laws of Time being completely ignored.

Really the Time Lords would have stopped something like this from happening in the past, then again nothing like this ever happened. Or, well, I suppose it could have if we don't remember when we go back. Anyway! Right, back to the point...

We need to meet up and strategize, and by we I do mean all of us. There's plenty of brilliant minds in just a few of us, and to have all of us together can only be more brilliant. But really, there's a small chance I won't find a way out of here prior to the next Arena. Unless, of course, you've found something Doctor?

That all being said, the Arenas are dangerous, and though it sure seems like people don't actually die, it's likely that death can occur if the aliens willed it. Especially if they thought if could bolster ratings. So we need to work out a way for all of us to be able to stick together in these arenas.

Also because we really should just meet in general, so everyone can get to know one another... and can anyone here actually bake a Jammie Dodger?
(85 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

I've seen and heard that people are making it back from the arena? Welcome back! I'm still not sure what to make of this place, I've been here for almost three weeks now.

So hello, people I have not met yet! I'm Rose Tyler and word is that there is another Doctor here as well? I know of one that lives in the room right next to mine. Have to say that's a really strange thought, having more than one of him around.

I honestly have no idea what else to say here! I haven't been very active lately on this network!
(67 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Alright then, got this working. Well it was working before, but then I broke it to make it better; turns out, not any better, very alien this alien tech. And that's odd coming from me, but still! I'll modify it later.

Until then.

Hello. I'm the Doctor. And I am here to tell all of you that your time here is almost over; there will be no more killing, no more fighting, as long as I am here. Well perhaps not no more, I do suppose a tiny bit of fighting will occur, considering we'll likely have to fight our way out of this entire mess.

Still, anyway, yes... I am appalled at the situation we seem to be finding ourselves in, but no more. I may require the assistance of at least a few of you, but no worries! It will be dangerous, but I assure you it will be worth it. I hope. Depending where you come from I suppose when you get sent back.

Anyway, that's beside the point: the point is you're going back. And if the alien 'overlords' would like to have anything to say about it, they can come talk to me personally, face to face, and not hiding like cowards behind their--whatever it is they're hiding behind.
(86 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

This place.

It isn't right.
(95 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

Sorry to people who lost someone. That's messed up.

Filtered to Teddy Altman


So uh.

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