August 30th, 2009

[info]avatards in [info]theteashop

Another character!

Hey gang, Elle has brought us another character, Issa of the Water Tribe! She's a bending master at the Waterbending Academe and can be found at [info]ebbandflow. Our cast page is staring to look quite impressive!

Also, I've added character name tags for those who have posted in/started a thread. Please tag your threads to make my life a little easier and less insane. It's easy, when starting a thread you can type in your characters name into the little tag box, or once a thread is up, click "edit tags" button and type in or click and select from the list there. This makes activity checks super easy and also lets you guys keep track of your threads or stalk another character.

The threads thus far have been oh so awesome, so keep it up!

Edit: Editing so I don't flood the OOC page any more than necessary. XD I added this to the FAQ recently, and since threading has started I wanted to make sure everyone knew what it was.

What is the !bulletinboard tag for?
Awatan Sathit has a message board in the city center, near the fountain. This can be used for in-character requests. Need a tutor? Someone to pick up a shift? Lost your pet turtle-pup? Post up a wanted or missing ad here. This will be used to announce official events, such as festivals and plays, but characters/players are more than welcome to use it, as well.

Today's project is cleaning/revamping the Chibenders page a bit, so if anyone is thinking of a potential Chibender, things should be more clear and easier to navigate soon. :)

[info]avatards in [info]theteashop

And another!

Hey guys, we have another new face with another new character! Please welcome Amelia to the game. She will be bringing us a descendant of Toph, Hua, conveniently found at [info]hua. She's bringing a lot of potential plot-lines with her, so give her app a quick glance over and give her a warm welcome.

With that, we will not be accepting any more Earthbender prodigies for the moment, but that can change as the game grows.

Edit And we have yet another face! Lex is bringing us the Waterbending Prodigy, Naida. She's married to our very own Cheng and is found at [info]gowiththeflow!

[info]ex_gowiththe736 in [info]theteashop

Hi guys! This is Naida. She's originally from the Northern Water Tribe, married to Cheng, and is a 48 year old waterbending prodigy. She teaches healing at the waterbending academy and she's a member of the Order of the White Lotus.

Personality-wise, she's a very easygoing, maternal woman who's never lost her playful streak. She's serious about what needs to be taken seriously and takes everything else with a grain of salt.

November 2009

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