The Sin Bin's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Sin Bin

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[02 Jul 2011|06:58pm]
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Please leave any comments, concerns, questions, or suggestions here.
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[02 Jul 2011|07:00pm]


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[02 Jul 2011|07:04pm]
1. Please friends-lock your journal and add a disclaimer to the profile page.
2. You may put a hold on a player for no more than five days. If you need longer, please contact a mod. (To put a hold on a player, please comment below with the character name and your request for a hold.)
3. If you use an RP sample in the application, please post it in your journal. Be sure that this entry is not friends-locked. Once you have posted it in your journal, simply copy and paste the link into the line designated for ‘Sample or First Entry’. The sample doesn’t have to be of the character you’re applying as. Also, you may lock the entry once you’ve been added. [If you're really against posting your sample entry in your journal, you can PM the mod account.]
4. If you use a first entry, the same thing applies. Please make the entry a none friends-locked post and copy the link into the line designated for ‘Example or First Entry’. You may friends-lock it once you've been accepted.
5. If this is not your first character in this community, please mention that in your application.
6. Lastly, simply copy the text below and paste it into a comment. Fill out the information as directed and submit your application.

Character Name:
Username (and Screen Name if you have it):
Hockey Team:
Example or First Entry:
Did you have a hold on this character?:

(Once added, please click here, here, and here to add the main community, threading community, and mod account. You can also click here for the friends adder.)
28 comments|post comment

[02 Jul 2011|07:06pm]
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