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[25 Apr 2013|08:37pm]

Hello all! Now that I've been accepted, I thought I would toss up a line post and see what I can reel in for this guy.

This is Julian Nolan. He's a thirty-two year old Portland native. He's lived in Portland for most of his life, barring the couple of years he spent in New York attending culinary school. His parents own a local B&B, and he can often be seen there helping out with whatever they need. Currently, he's a chef at a pretty ritzy restaurant (not the head chef, just a line cook). It's a job he loves and he takes great pride in his work. Cooking is his greatest passion and he's always most comfortable when he's in the kitchen. Julian will also cook for anyone, if they'll only ask.

Personality-wise, he's naturally quiet and on the shy side. After his brother died, he spent a lot of time feeling angry and bitter, and lost the majority of his friends by shutting them out and pushing them away. Even now, he isn't close with many people and his social life is wanting, but he's friendly and usually enjoys being around people even if he doesn't make much effort to engage. It takes him a while to build bonds. But he is sweet and loyal to anyone who gives him half a chance.

I'm not too sure what I'm looking for in terms of lines, but anything could work. Former friends from high school, random acquaintances, people who knew his brother, family friends, one or two people he's actually close with now, whatever!
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[23 Apr 2013|11:37am]

Hello everyone! Soon to apply is this Hayley Williams pb, Aurora Jane Jenkins. I'm huge into organic lines, so rather than ask for friendships and whatnot right off the bat, I'm more interested in plotting out how we can find ways for our characters to interact. So without further adeiu, a few things about Ms. Jenkins:
  • Originally from Richmond, VA, she's lived in Portland for going on three years now, and has recently relocated to a new part of the city and started working in a new hair salon.
    (I still need to do a little researching to pinpoint where she previously and currently lives/works because I'm a stickler for details.)

  • Became vegan when she moved to Portland. Loves to cook and bake and try out new recipes.

  • Has finally become comfortable with her bisexuality, but remains closeted to her family. The thought of them finding out scares her to death.

  • A homebody, but it only takes a friendly invitation to get her out of the apartment, and she isn't shy when it comes to going a little wild for the sake of having fun.

  • She's mostly outgoing and outspoken, but turns stupid and amusingly clumsy when she's attracted to someone.

  • Admittedly out of the loop when it comes to current pop culture. She tends to stick to the music on her iPod and all but worships Netflix.

  • Works out regularly, both at home and at the gym.

  • If anything else useful comes to mind, I'll edit it in (I'm at work right now so my attention is split). I'm all for random encounters and I love to write, so let me know if anything comes to mind! Hoping to interact with you soon. :)
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    [21 Apr 2013|09:56am]

    howdy! i just apped for this lady, and i would adore some lines! her name is lyric symon (her face, of course, is ashley benson), she's 21, and she's a portland native. she has worked at barnes & noble for about 5 years and she's on her way to graduating from psu with a bachelor's in sociology, but she has absolutely no plans beyond that. because her parents are both fairly wealthy doctors, she's a spoiled brat, but she means well. lyric is a cynical, blunt, dryly sarcastic iron shell with a heart of gold underneath it all. she's the biggest sweetheart in the world once her trust is gained and she'll be loyal until the very end. she is a proud lesbian, a total bookworm, a guitarist in a punk band and a lover of adventure. she also skateboards pretty much everywhere she goes.

    as for lines go! it would be amazing to have an ex-girlfriend or two and maybe a current one, if anyone's in the market. a fwb would also be incredible, as well as a regular at b&n or a classmate. even just friends in general would be great!
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    [21 Apr 2013|03:34pm]

    Ahoy-Hoy, People of Landia.

    This here is Lachlan Calder, he's a thirty-five year old Scotsman who teaches history at a Catholic high-school. His draw to live in Portland years ago was his daughter, Emily, who is fifteen. Lachlan is a sociable guy who probably doesn't get out as much as he should, aside from the occasional trip to the pub with his mates. For the most part he's easy going, he might get a bit fired up for the things he loves; football and cooking meat on the BBQ, those kinds of things. There's a long winded history up on his entries page, probably full of mostly irrelevant information.

    If we gain acceptance, I love to find him all kinds of storylines. He definitely needs buddies, but I'm usually open to plotting and scheming. Drama is always good and welcome. I'm also happy with more organic lines, so introduce your characters! We'll see how they go.
    22 comments|post comment

    [20 Apr 2013|04:37pm]

    Hey, [info]landia, let's get down to business (you know how it goes). This is Lena Shirazi, she's 24 and though not a Portland native, she's been in the city since she was six and went to college at Reed, so she might as well be one. Lena is currently a field organizer for Basic Rights Oregon, and often competes in local poetry slams as a spoken word poet of some small fame (if you're into that kind of thing). In terms of personality, Lena is obviously a bleeding heart, socially conscious and liberal but also tends to be fairly cynical - or like all cynics, says she's just realistic. She's pretty low-key, mellow, dryly sarcastic, kind of an introvert and doesn't necessarily trust people off the bat or let them in right away. Which is not to say she's trying to be an asshole here, but she's wary of being everyone's best friend. And that's all I got for her so far!

    In terms of connections, all I have is that she and [info]letha used to be friends, fell apart and got on the mend and are now roommates. So friends, exes of either gender, creative types, everyone, lend me your lines.
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    [19 Apr 2013|06:50pm]

    Hey [info]landia, what's good? I just apped this girl, and am casting a net for some lines! Meet Abigail Reed, little sister to [info]gjr. Like him, she grew up and spent most of her adult life in Boston, though spent a brief stint in New York before moving to Portland close to a year ago. She's a high school Math teacher with a Harvard education and has been teaching at Caitlin Gabel since last August. Though she's been through a bit of private trauma (Abby had a child last July and gave the baby up to its father) she's getting back to her old self.. which may or may not be a good thing! Abby can be a real piece of work when she wants to be. She has roots in Boston society circles, is a former pageant queen and Junior League member and both can give her a bit of a chip on the shoulder.

    I'd adore any lines! Coworkers, a coffee shop chat buddy, an ongoing fwb for the last few months that likes to get under her skin, a neighbor in her apartment building. Lets figure it out!
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    [18 Apr 2013|04:35pm]

    Hello, everyone! I'm working on this guys application right now, and was hoping to get some lines before adds tonight. His name is Elijah Desrosier, and he is the twin brother to [info]oselyn. He's 25 years old, and since my PB choice is covered in tattoos I am leaning towards having him be a tattoo artist, and maybe a musician on the side. I'd love some friends for him, clients, a roommate maybe, an ex girlfriend or two, a close best friend - male and female would be awesome, and whatever else you guys may have to throw at me. :]
    19 comments|post comment

    [17 Apr 2013|10:57am]

    HELLO [info]landia!! I swear to you, I am alive, though maybe barely, and i'm going to get this lady to live. i never utilized this space before, so i'm going to do it now to introduce her to all you fine people that i've not previously been introduced to. this is addison, a portland native, and a bit of a dreamer. she has a firm head on her shoulders, but she has a wildly active imagination that hasn't tempered with time. she is the youngest of her family and that can sometimes be a detriment, but she has learned how to use it to her advantage. she wants to be a writer more than anything, but is settling for working in a bookstore while she figures out how to make her dream a reality. she doesn't make TRUE friends easily, she'll be pleasant and nice, but it takes a good deal of work to become a genuine friend. more is in her bio.

    as for current connections, [info]gbrella is her womb to tomb best friend and she's close with all the fuller kids. her roommate is [info]lboe and other than that I WANT WHATEVER YOU CAN GIVE ME. so lets brainstorm, the juicier the better.
    13 comments|post comment

    [15 Apr 2013|09:08am]

    hey everyone! i meant to do this ages ago but it's been a pretty crazy week, so i want to throw this guy out there now that things have calmed down.

    this is charlie hamilton, older brother of [info]srah. he currently works for the portland tribune as a staff writer and lives in the other half of a duplex next to [info]pennysue. those are really the only two connections i have for him so far, so throw some more at me! charlie is an 80-year-old man in a thirty-year-old's body and spends a lot of time drinking, moping around, eating junk food, and obsessing over cult tv shows. his biography is unlocked if anyone wants to poke around. i'm really looking for any lines at all, so let's figure something out.
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    [15 Apr 2013|07:23am]

    hey there. i'm thinking of bringing this character in but thought i'd see what lines i could get first. this is jessie hund, 28, an arkansas native who moved to portland about three, maybe four years ago to help take care of her dying uncle. she works at gil's speakeasy tavern part-time on the weekends as a bartender, and full time during the day shift at an undetermined 7-11. i'm also thinking she lives in the king neighborhood in her uncle's old victorian -- or, i might stick her in a double wide somewhere, i haven't fully decided.

    in terms of personality jessie is blunt but not cruel, sarcastic, and a little in your face. a lot of the time she has a personality that can best be compared to an aggressive chihuahua, with small dog syndrome because of both her shorter height and thicker waist. most of her bark is a defense mechanism and there's some nicer points to her underneath all the gruff exterior, but it takes a lot of digging to get there.

    ideally i'd love to get some regulars at either job but especially the tavern, maybe neighbors, a bar or two for her to go to on nights off, exes of the female persuasion, and just friends that she's met since moving there. she'll start talking to most anybody but i imagine doesn't make friends all that easily because of how blunt she can be, so i don't know if that would be harder to work out or not. it's worth a shot! anything else goes, too, those are just the first things off the top of my head.
    31 comments|post comment

    Please sir, may I have some lines? [15 Apr 2013|12:11am]

    Hellooo there! I just applied Baio here, the lovely Cara Delevingne, and lines would be awesome. She's 20 and a non-native and a sometimes student and a slave to the music (think of the kind of awesome employees you'd find at Empire Records). She's kind of nerdy (Doctor Who and Whedon fan for life), kind of crazy (she loves Danny Devito), a bit of a wild child (she's good at getting into trouble), and a chemistry fan (yeah, science!). An army brat who moved around a lot as a kid, she never knew her father and she only lived with her mother for a couple of years before her aunt and uncle took her in. She's got facts and all that jazz in her journal, so if this was at all appealing, give into temptation and head over there. Friends and exes and enemies and music lovers and Breaking Bad fans and Paddy's Pub lovers and everyone and their mother is wanted.
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    [14 Apr 2013|05:24pm]

    hey all. this is jackson. he's a portland native and is currently the deputy city manager. he has a 4 year old daughter and lost his wife in a car accident two years ago. he's generally an all around good guy, though he does battle demons over the loss of his wife. he can go from a seemingly good mood to turning sullen and difficult to deal with at the drop of a dime. basically he's a real peach and has a knack for creating awkward situations. i'd love to work out lines with everyone! he can use friends, drinking buddies, girls he's attempted to date probably within the last year or so, maybe a cousin or half sibling? throw anything at me and i'm sure we can work it out.
    14 comments|post comment

    [11 Apr 2013|02:09pm]

    hey, i just applied with this girl and would love to get some lines going. this is india collins, a 22 year old recent college graduate who's now thrusted into the workforce. she has no real direction in life yet, so any oddball jobs out there, i'll take. coworkers line, anyone? she's a bit feisty and inquisitive with a nerdy streak, although that's her downfall as she spends far too much time with trivial matters (although she thinks they're important) to focus on what she really needs to do in life.

    she also doesn't have a place to live yet, so i'll take any offers to house her. girls, guys, a combination of the two, i'll take! friends, exes, neighbors, coworkers, relatives and whatnot, let's brainstorm.
    10 comments|post comment

    [10 Apr 2013|02:07pm]

    I just put in an app for this guy. He's originally from Boston but moved to Portland probably about a year ago or so. He is a grumpy, functioning alcoholic writer. I'd love to work out some lines. I am in need of his wife. They're in the process of a divorce but he's being an asshole about signing the papers. They've only been married about a year or a bit longer. I'd love to find a local editor he works with, neighbors, or whatever else you may be able to offer. Thanks!
    34 comments|post comment

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