August 2016

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June 22nd, 2016

[info]actlikeicare in [info]therisingooc

Hi! It's Liannis and thanks for inviting me. :)

At the moment I just have House and he's gonna be back to his miserable canon self. ;) Due to all the self-experimentation he did, he's immune. So that's good at least.

I put Ellie from the Last of Us on hold too so she'll be in soon.

[info]straighttogo in [info]therisingooc

So, I'm Hoshi and I told myself no more games...which worked out great for me. Basically, you say jump and I do, it seems.

I bring in three lovely little muses.

Kira Yukimura [info]sparkingvulpine is a young kitsune from Teen Wolf
Alec Lightwood [info]straighttogo is a BAMF Shadowhunter from Shadowhunters, aka taken from the show.
Raphael Santiago [info]bloodsocold Head Vampire of New York from Shadowhunters.

I am open to all and any plots. Intro is short because I need to drink more coffee. So yep, love ya all.

[info]therisingmods in [info]therisingooc

Since this is a low key sort of PSL, you can start posting and playing any time!

There is a rules post, sure, but basically use common sense and treat each other right and have fun!

I will get the taken list updated tonight so we can all see who is and isn't taken.

Now go play!

[info]malfoylegato in [info]therisingooc

Hello people I'm Kym. I have the following people so far.

Cullen Rutherford [info]broketheleash from end of Dragon Age: Inquisition, but before Trespasser.
Scorpius Malfoy [info]malfoylegato, from Harry Potter, post epilogue by about 27 years.
Clint Barton [info]amazinghawkeye, AU, pre-MCU. He's just turned 19, hasn't yet joined SHIELD, though they have approached him. He's left the circus and getting ready to join the army.
Crowley [info]thekingisback, from Supernatural, somewhere at the last half of season 9. Pissed off, detoxing from human blood.
Peter Hale [info]satanworeavneck, from Teen Wolf, from somewhere in the foggy land of season 5 for him. He was in Eichen House, he has a hole in his head. Oops.
Angeline Dawes [info]lifewasboringb4, from Vampire Academy/Bloodlines, she's from the end of the series. 18 years old, just graduated from that fancy school in Palm Springs, broke up with her boyfriend (again), and thought she was headed back to court with Jill. Oops.

[info]fragilebones in [info]therisingooc

Just FYI. Misha has kind of hit the wall of "meh" tonight, and can't focus on the HTML, so the taken list will be updated tomorrow. Without fail! ♥

Also, just so you know, in case anyone isn't really familiar with my bb Stiles. He is a collector of information, and he has a habit of pinning things up on a crime scene board in canon. So his and Malia's prison cell walls will be a ginormous crime scene-esque board. He will use whatever scraps of paper he can find to document names and various info about EVERYONE he meets/talks to.

If he gets his hands on highlighters, it will be color coded.

[info]actlikeicare in [info]therisingooc

Also, I apologize in advance for House being, well House. He comes in from post-finale, and all the drama that went with that. It's going to take him a while to even approach being a decent person so feel free to let me know if you'd rather avoid talking to him.