Out Of Character Community for Therians' Journal
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Sunday, June 14th, 2009

    Time Event
    Basic rules to posting
    Tags within the RP, should just contain the characters who are in the thread, these can be edited by the person who starts the thread.
    You're in control of your own NPC's, just don't be silly with it.
    The opening posts should contain these qualifiers
    Open Or Closed

    (if you start an opening post put don't finish it for whatever reason add 'Uncompleted' to that list to tell other players it's not playable yet)

    These can also be edited by the original poster.

    Just makes everything easier to follow.

    Open and closed threads indicate weather or not it is OK for other players to jump into a thread.
    i.e. if you want a thread to be between you and an NPC you simply add closed, if you have agreed it's between one of your characters and only one other then you say closed to whoever. If a thread is marked open then anyone can join.
    Are few but here they are:

    1) No Godmodding- Just don't do it

    2) Up to 3 characters per mun, you can apply for a further 2 but they will be granted at the mods discretion.

    3) After one week with no activity and no explanation,we will ask if everything is OK, two weeks with no activity and no explanation we will remove you.

    4) Your character cannot be all powerful, we won't accept them.
    For as long as humans have recorded their history, there has always been mention of those that could change form. The Egyptians, for instance, had worshipped strange half human, half animal 'gods'. While the Native Americans believed that people had spirit animals that guided them and reflected their true character.
    Mythology features many creatures that can take on or show human characteristics. And then there are the stories of dark and horrifying were-beings that cursed people turn into once every full moon.
    All these stories have on thing in common - their true basis is about Therians.

    Therians are not cursed people; like the were-beings of the horror stories; nor are they half one thing and half another. They are normal human beings like everyone else. Except with one fundamental difference. They have the ability to change into a specific animalia form.
    This ability is not brought on by any outside influence; not by being bitten or scratched by another similar animal form; but is in fact part of these select humans' genetic make-up. Some individuals will know of their Therian gene due to their other family members; while others may have no immediate family trace of it.

    In modern times, the Therians keep their ability secret and live amongst the rest of humanity. Although, there is a specific town where Therians thrive. This town was established many years ago by one such Therian who wanted to have a place where they needn't fear the other inhabitants nor keep their secret.
    Although, in recent times, many non-therians have moved to live there and thus the abilities are kept from those that do not know of their existence.

    Although the Therians are not cursed like the were-beings of the stories; nor do they particularly like being referred to as weres; and can change at will - or if the 'flight or fight' instinct kicks in - there is a specific time when their change is forced and out of their own control. An event that happens once a month and is responsible for the myths of werewolves and the like.
    The full moon.
    To apply please fill out this application and email to therians.mods@gmail.com

    {OOC Information}
    Email Address:
    AIM/MSN Username:
    Number of characters in game: (not including this one)

    {General Information}
    Given Name:
    Species when Shifted

    {Physical Information}
    Hair: color, general style
    Identifiable Markings: scars, tattoos, piercings, etc.
    Played By:

    Mental Health: Crazy, sane, suicidal, homicidal, etc.
    Skills: Expert archer? Master baker? Great technician? Put all of that kind of stuff here.
    Extras: Weapons, vehicles, pets, etc.

    History: Try to have at least two to three paragraphs
    Personality: As with history, please try to give us enough details to have a relatively good grasp of the character.

    {Other Info:} Anything extra you need us to know, or any obvious info about your character (accents, flirts with anything that moves, etc.)

    {Optional Information} (Not needed for the bio, but if you want to fill out this part, or just some of them, to give more info on your character and to put in your profile, go ahead! Can be updated/changed at any time.)

    Talents or Hobbies:
    Style of Dress:
    Astrological Sign:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Relationship Status:
    Past Relationships:

    Sample RP
    Third person past tense, somewhere around two paragraphs.

    Sample Journal Entry
    Quick first person sample.

    Link to a colour picture of PB For the cast post

    Plot Ties
    Taken/ Reserved PB's
    Taken PB's

    David Tennant
    Freema Ageyman
    Billie Piper
    Christina Aguilera
    Rachel Bilson

    Reserved PB's

    Richard Armitage - held until 19/07
    Marc Warren - held until 19/07
    Thomas Dekker - held until 21/07

    To reserve a PB comment here, saves last one week, with extensions of twenty four hours, you can have two extentions
    Cast pictures and links to bios can be found under the cut.
    Click picture to view character's bios.
    Want Ads
    This is a list of Wanted Characters and Types/positions - ideally we would like the majority of these to be filled first before accepting other characters/type/position.

    If you are applying for a wanted character, please contact the username listed next to it, as their characters will be directly linked to the wanted ones. Those that have the mods account next to it can either leave a message or email.

    Already playing and want someone specific to play against? Please comment on this entry or email the mods account.

    *In general, we are looking for a good range and diversity of characters - so, for example, if we have a fair few 20-somethings, we will not be accepting anymore.*
    Have a question that's not in the list, fill free to email it and we'll gladly answer.

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