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[18 Jan 2012|05:27pm]
Hi everyone!

This is Josephine. Josephine, or Jo as she often goes by, is 26 years old and bartends down at the Oyster Shak. When she's not bartending she's going to College of Coastal Georgia for nursing. Busy life, right? She hasn't lived in the area too long, just shy of the three year mark. She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and has moved around a lot before settling in Brunswick. She's currently also living with her boyfriend which often leads to interesting well, everything!

Jo loves having fun, enjoys drinking and being outside when it's warm out. She loves movies and shit food and watching MMA matches.

Anyways, any lines would be aces! I look forward to playing here.
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[18 Jan 2012|07:06pm]
Hey, hey, and hello. I just applied with this Maggie Siff (Gracie) and barring any disasters hope to join the community over the weekend. Gracie is a twenty nine year old registered nurse/certified emergency nurse. She works for the Southeast Georgia Health System. She grew up in Portland with [info]tmarsh and [info]moneil and pretty much settled in Brunswick shortly after Tommy did. She's a decent person though it takes a little while to really get to know her. She's been a little better about that since leaving Portland so I'd love to get some more lines for her - coworkers, friends, etc.
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[18 Jan 2012|08:44pm]
Hello one and all. I'd like to introduce this lovely lady right here named Jessica. She's an assistant manager at a vintage clothing store called, The Vintage Store (original, I'm know). Vintage life style is big to her and she would like nothing better than to dress and live like a 50's house wife, back when life was glamorous. She's a 26 year old soon to be momma, who is married to her best friend.

Before she got pregnant she sang weekly at open mic nights with her band. Of course, now she had different things that she focuses on. Anyways! I'd love people she knew through her open mic stuff. Maybe people who shop the store? She moved to the area when she was 14 so, people she might have grown up with?
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