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Fern [19 Jul 2009|11:37pm]

Saffron was just letting herself out of the pub on the Complex when she spotted Fern and she grinned at him, brushing back her hair, "Hi stranger."
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Patricia [19 Jul 2009|05:03pm]

Terri had arranged to meet Patricia for Sunday dinner during the week and arrived, as usual, exactly on time. They'd made small talk while they waited for the server and had placed their order. Terri, unusually, ordered no wine to go with hers.

Once the server was gone Terri finally got down to business.

"So, about our visitors..."
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Blythe [05 Jul 2009|03:23pm]

Zack got himself regular coffee this time, just a little cream and sugar, no frills, and sat down to wait for Blythe, keeping an eye out for someone that looked like Hermione. In that weird Tampa way, of course.
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Torquil and Hathaway's Departure From Tampa [03 Jul 2009|08:31pm]

The decision to leave Tampa wasn’t an easy one at first. Venturus had invited both Torquil and Hathaway over for dinner, deciding it was safe to tell at least two more of his siblings the truth about being trapped in the city. It was clear why he and Erskine weren’t keen on Archer, Dillian, or Shine finding out. Even if they were powerless outside of Tampa, what if they only left sparingly and kept the city as their home base? Inside the city they’d still be powerful wizards. If they could stretch their legs and then get comfortable, who knew what damage they might cause?

And who wanted to be human anyway? After all these years of fabulous power, how could anyone tolerate losing their abilities?

“Are you all packed?” Torquil asked curiously, coming into Hathaway’s office and eyeing his suitcase, and the briefcase beside it. “The cab’s outside waiting. We’ll be on our way north in no time.”

“Just let me lock up,” Hathaway told him.

Like an obedient child Torquil watched as he locked the room behind him and closed the museum for the day. It was going into good hands. Both of their domains should get by fine without them. After all, Tampa had survived all those years before, hadn’t it?

Soon they were safely in the taxi and heading out of the city. The windows were tinted, hiding them discretely from the view of any prying siblings’ eyes. They’d said their goodbyes to Erskine and Venturus, to Trouble, to close friends, and now they were off… perhaps back to England. Perhaps just to travel for a while, find their feet again.

As they passed the city boundaries there was particular sensation. The change was obvious. Their magic was missing.

“We’re going to get old so much quicker now,” Torquil said quietly, more subdued than usual, despite the flashy clothing, the sparkling hat. “We’ll be like everyone else, aging and then dying.”

His fair-haired brother was quiet for a moment. Then, a smile passed over his lips. “We will,” Hathaway agreed.

Torquil reached for his hand and squeezed tightly. “At least we will get to grow old together,” he said, smiling. He flipped off his hat and tossed it aside. He settled his head on Hathaway’s shoulder and spent the long ride ride napping and dreaming foggily of what the future might hold.
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[ Open ] [23 Jun 2009|11:19am]

Henry had been called in to the hospital on an emergency quite early in the morning. Very early, in fact. Even for him. He'd finally gotten a break and the nurses had insisted he go out for fresh air and food.

He sat at a table outside, staring blearily at the rest of his meal.

"Does four a.m. even technically classify as morning?" he asked randomly.
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[Elliot] [19 Jun 2009|04:17pm]

Sophus went to Arches straight after work and settled down with a pot of tea, a bagel, and a newspaper.

He had had dinner with Elliot and Aaron once or twice and liked Elliot well enough but he had a feeling - given the circumstances - that he had better have a talk with him. Now that things appeared to be progressing.
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Bill [10 Jun 2009|11:28pm]

She'd developed this sudden and inexplicable craving for a certain cake that she could only find at the Archer's Complex. Honestly, it was a seven and she did not want to go outside, but she was also pregnant and if she didn't get this cake? She was going to eat the house.

She therefore had to pull out some clothes - fucking stupid-looking dress that it was because she couldn't actually fit into her old stuff anymore - and attempted to hide the almost-bump. It was at that really, really annoying stage where it could either look like a bump. Or she could just look like she'd lost herself go.

It was very annoying, and it made going out very difficult.

But the craving, it needed sating. Which is why she was walking into the coffee shop like a woman on a mission.
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Open [28 May 2009|10:02am]

Jay usually was found at an Italian restaurant on his Amnesty days. This one, he hung around Arches, drinking coffee outside the cafe and playing on his laptop.

He had the computer open, playing bedazzled on facebook.

Jay had a facebook. Under Jason Wayne, even.
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Alanna [23 May 2009|06:22pm]

Maybe volunteering really was good for the soul, because as the week came to an end Price actually managed to grab a whole eight hours of sleep. Mind you, he didn't get to bed until sunrise so his whole day was pretty much shot. He made his way to Arches, figuring he could decide from there whether he wanted to do some more digging through old articles or something more recreational today. He was waiting for his order to come up when he spotted the brunette in line behind him. Had it not been for all the Sevens researching he'd never have recognized her.

"You're Alanna Jordan, aren't you?" he asked.
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[ Open ] [21 May 2009|06:29pm]

She was celebrating. She'd gotten someone else to cover her shift, grabbed the largest ice cream and largest caffeinated drink she could find and sugared up. Which meant now she was walking along the top of the wall around the plaza at Arches, finishing off her ice cream.

There was a possibility it was going to storm on her head at any moment and she didn't care at all.

"Hi!" she called down to the person below her. "Watch out for ice cream drips!"
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[ Open ] [10 May 2009|09:55pm]

Hank had considered flying out to his parents' to surprise his mother for mother's day but instead, he'd sent his gifts -- among them a web camera and instructions -- and then shared a long a "web conference" conversation with the both of them.

Now, with a satisfied smile on his face, he sat at the cafe sipping a mocha and just watching the world.
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[ Open ] [08 May 2009|08:21pm]

Fernando was sitting at Arches with a huge cup of coffee, a cookie and his laptop open in front of him. Whatever was on the screen seemed to be amusing him as he just kept shaking his head and laughing.

"Hey," he asked the person at the next table. "Do you think SETI would pay for a program to hear alien communciation signals that don't exist?"
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[ Andre ] [08 May 2009|04:52pm]

It was silly, really. Believing she'd been brainwashed by aliens to think that she had a past life as Hermione Granger! Of course, it was 24 hours after the seven and she still thought that. No, she knew that. She couldn't believe it but there it was. She kept waiting for it to disappear. Kept waiting for the memories and the feelings to leave but they didn't.

She needed to Andre. Harry. Andre. It was all so confusing and frustrating. It made no logical sense!

Blythe was early to the coffee shop and had her fingers wrapped tightly around a mug of tea as she waited for ... him to show up.
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HUGH [05 May 2009|11:21pm]

Eden took a cab to the complex after Hugh's requested. She was so cautious these days and worried about being followed. The last thing she wanted to do was bring danger to her fiance. She nervously fiddled with the strap of her purse, and then caught herself. It wouldn't do to show how she felt. It was hard enough keeping these thoughts off her mind. When she finally arrived just outside the complex she took a deep breath and then headed for the coffee shop.

Halfway there she stopped, eyes going wide. She picked up her pace and went in search of Hugh.
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Alanna [05 May 2009|11:07pm]

When Archer said "pop over" he literally meant "pop over". He arrived at the complex in his usual blink of the eye fashion, and then kept blinking. His original intended topic of conversation was lost in the sudden realization that Tampa was fucking with his head again.

"I hate this city," he stated flatly.

Archer spotted Alanna and trudged over to her.
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[ Open ] [02 May 2009|02:41pm]

Normally, Mara would have dismissed everyone as paranoid, delusional, crazy. All right, she still thought most people were paranoid, delusional, and crazy but that didn't mean she didn't also think that the aliens had overtaken the city. She itched to get a good look at one in its natural state so she could try to copy them and then take them down.

She headed to Arches for coffee and and a bit of covert listening but as soon as she hit the plaza, she stopped and shook her head. What had she be on about? Oh well, it didn't matter.

She ordered her coffee and then brought it back outside to drink.
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[ Open ] [25 Apr 2009|03:41pm]

Hank was intending on heading down to the beach. He was dressed in long board shorts, a T-shirt and sandals. A large bag had all his supplies except one -- coffee. He needed coffee. Well, iced coffee.

"One very large, very cold iced coffee," he said as he stepped up to the counter. "With extra ice. And perhaps a dash of mint flavoring."
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[ Open ] [20 Apr 2009|09:09pm]

Daniel had a huge cup of coffee sitting at his elbow and pictures and files spread out across his table. He sifted through some of the photos, sending others toward the floor.

"I'm sorry," he said to the person at the next table as he pointed at one that had made it the whole way under their chair. "Could you hand me that?"
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Rick [17 Apr 2009|10:54am]

Justice sauntered into the bar, idled on up to Rick's side and planted a kiss on his mouth. "So I have news for you, sir. Of the big, important, epic kind. You might want to pour yourself a drink. Or two."

She thought about that. "Or five."
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[ Open ] [13 Apr 2009|01:04pm]

With finals less than a month away, Blythe really, really should have been studying. But every time she tried, her mind wandered back to the The Chocolate Experience. Well, either to that or the strange dreams she'd been having.

Which was how she'd ended up in the library at the Arches complex. She figured if there was any place she could find the answers to everything that seemed to be happening in Tampa, it was there.

Of course, she was disappointed. What was it with her and not being able to find things in libraries recently? It was very disconcerting.

"Excuse me," she said as she approached someone. "Could you tell me where the reference section is?"
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