Using the Basilisk, Tom Riddle kills Ravenclaw student Myrtle Warren and creates the first horcrux. She had been hiding in that bathroom because she was being teased by Olive Hornby, when she heard someone come in and heard that person speaking. It was hours before anybody found her body. Her murder was used to create the first horcrux from his diary.
August 1981
Tom Riddle murders the entire Riddle family for which his uncle Morfin takes the fall. He steals the Gaunt family signet ring from Morfin and uses it to create the second horcrux.
Sept 1981
During a supper hosted by Slughorn, Tom questioned Slughorn on the matter of horcruxes, and whether it would make him more powerful if he were to create six, therefore having a seven part soul, as seven is the most magical number. Slughorn reluctantly gave Tom an overview of horcruxes on the condition that everything they discussed remained between them. Slughorn was further horrified at the thought of multiple horcruxes. Using the information, Riddle later went on to create six horcruxes, making himself immortal. It is likely that Riddle already knew most of what he needed about horcruxes, but the fact that Slughorn had provided some of the knowledge that made this possible was a terrible truth he would carry with him for the rest of his life.
Tom finishes Hogwarts and begins working at Borgin & Burkes in Knockturn Alley. His job was to ferret out items of value and obtain them at the lowest price possible.
After murdering Smith, Riddle steals Hufflepuff’s cup and Slytherin’s locket. He uses the murder of Smith to create the third horcrux from the cup. Using the murder of a Muggle tramp, Riddle turned the locket into his fourth horcrux. He disappeared shortly thereafter and was presumed missing, only a few of his closest confidants knew what happened to him.
Nobby Leach, the first muggle-born Minister for Magic, begins his term.
Albus Dumbledore becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Tom Riddle resurfaces and asks for a teaching at Hogwarts. He is denied and curses the DADA position. While at the school, he hides the Diadem in the Room of Requirement. (Tom Riddle had wheedled the location of the horcrux from the Grey Lady while a student at Hogwarts. At some point after leaving school, he traveled to Albania, retrieved the diadem, and used the murder of an Albanian peasant to turn the diadem into the fifth horcrux.) This year Lord Voldemort takes on his name and begins calling his followers The Death Eaters.
Nobby Leach leaves office after contracting a mysterious illness. Abraxas Malfoy is widely believed to have been part of this plot. Eugenia Jenkins become Minister for Magic during an era of civic unrest with Squib Rights marches and pureblood riots.
Summer 2008
After months of disappearances and a few unexplained death, the Dark Mark starts to appear at many of the crime scenes. That summer a journalist for the Daily Prophet sites these murders as the work of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters.
Fall 2008
Albus Dumbledore - along with Dedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge, and Alastar Moody - forms the Order of the Phoenix.
Sept 2009
The Marauders start their first year at Hogwarts.
Fall 2012
The Death Eater orchestrate at at attack the BIL Quidditch league opening match. Ten spectators are killed and even more land in Hogwarts. More importantly it marks the start of a season of attacks and explosions at popular events. The DMLE approves use of Unforgivables by aurors in order to capture death eaters.
Winter 2013
Unable to deal with the rising of Voldemort, Minister for Magic Jenkins is forced from office. Harold Minchum becomes Minister for Magic. He brings about some small semblance of calm for a few months as he is a hardliner able to handle the rising crisis.
June 2016
The Marauders leave Hogwarts and are quickly recruited to the Order of the Phoenix.
Sept 2016
Edgar Bones and his family are murdered by Death Eaters, nearly wiping out the Bones Family.
June 2017
Marlene Mckinnon and her whole family was murdered by Death Eaters.
Dec 2017
After leaving Kreacher to die in a sea cave, Regulus worked out that Lord Voldemort hid a horcrux in the sea cave. He vows to go back there or die trying. For his effort, he does both, but in his death Kreacher was able to remove the locket from the cave.
Jan 2018
Caradoc Dearborn vanishes and is never heard from again. His body was never found and he was presumed dead.
Feb 2018
Mad-Eye Moody chases down and captures Rosier and Wilkes. He loses his nose in the process. The two death eaters mysteriously die while in DMLE custody before they can be interrogated.
March 2018
Dorcas Meadowes is personally killed by Lord Voldemort. The death is used to turn the snake into the sixth horcrux.
May 2018
Benjy Fenwick was brutally murdered by Death Eaters during the war. One of the Death Eaters fired a curse that blasted Fenwick to pieces, and then disposed of his remains. In their search for Fenwick's body, the Order only ever found "bits of him."
June 2018
Millicent Bagnold takes over as the Minister for Magic.
August 2018
Peter Pettigrew is taken hostage by the Death Eaters for an extended three week stay in which he offers up his services as a spy in order to keep his life.
31 Jan 2019
The Battle of Godric's Hollow. Celebrated as the end of the war and also marked the death of Lord Voldemort whilst Albus Dumbledore went missing.
2 Feb 2019
Early reports come in, but the big headlines hit the night of 1 February and the defeat of The Dark Lord is celebrated on the front page of the Daily Prophet on 2 February. There is a big push for media coverage, seeking witnesses who were there and lots of speculation about what comes next for the wizarding realm.
Mid Feb 2019
Meanwhile the Ministry is working hard to maintain control and reinstate order. A few alleged and known members of the Death Eaters and the Order are brought into custody and questioned. Tensions remain high and over the first couple of weeks in February the DMLE is busy investigating many false claims about terrorist or vigilante activity. There are even a few attacks against suspected members of each group, including one in Hogsmeade during a student weekend.
March 2019
As March arrives, Minister Bagnold holds a press conference calling for a time of peace with truth and reconciliation so that those who buried their dead can mourn and begin to move on. In efforts to promote this, the Ministry installs a temporary memorium in Hogsmeade Village to honor the names of all those who have died during the war.