Who: Society and paying guests (tag yourself in) What: Fundraiser for the Children's Legal Aid and Mentoring Society (CLAMS), organized by the Old Wizarding Literary Society (OWLS) When: Friday evening 29 March Where: Clarinda Macmillan Avery Arts Centre at WADA Warnings: Probably going to be some bigoted talk but none expected beyond that.
The Clarinda Macmillan Avery Arts Centre is the premiere theatre at WADA and also contains a large reception area. Tonight it has been laid out with food and drink for those enjoying the evening. The premiere events tonight are a performance by Celestina Warbeck for her many fans and an auction for goods and services donated by patrons and businesses--including a chance to eat dinner with Celestina Warbeck.
Tonight's benefit was organized by the witches and gentlewizards of the Old Wizarding Literary Society in support of the Children's Legal Aid and Mentorship Society, a charity that provides legal support, educational funding, and mentoring to children impacted by Death Eater attacks. All ticket funds and auction proceeds will go to that good work. Goods and services used at the event were promoted by individuals and vendors.
The theatre will be used to host the concert and auction, and the food and drink will be laid out in the lobby and reception area. The music will be broadcast in the reception area during the concert and there will be additional music by WADA musicians and alumni during the auction.
In addition there are outside areas for smoking and the WADA gardens for more private meetings and discussions.
Rodolphus Lestrange & [Volunteer 2] get into a bidding war over a desirable prize in the auction. (Date with Celestina Warbeck? Art item? Private dinner catered by wizarding Britain's best chef and his house elves? You decide!)
Tairith Burke may have overindulged slightly in the champagne punch and is talking about throwing certain people into Azkaban very loudly, leading Rabastan Lestrange to take them outside to get some fresh air for their own good.
[Volunteer 5] disappears briefly in the middle of the event and returns looking a bit worse for wear. Were they spying or having some quality private time with a secret friend? Who knows?
[Volunteer 6] is extremely enthusiastic about getting an autograph from Celestina Warbeck and is sent off by her security. [Volunteer 7] gets an autograph for them anyhow.
Lucius Malfoy crosses party and political lines to ask Lily Potter to dance in the reception area. Shocking! Expect your name to be in the gossip columns tomorrow.