Game Comm for The Quadrangle

March 18th, 2011

Game Comm for The Quadrangle


March 18th, 2011

Thread: Demogoblin and Green Goblin

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WHO: Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson
WHERE: Harry's dorm room
WHEN: March 17, 2011, evening
WHAT: MJ sneaks herself out of the infirmary to find Harry... who's saying Peter killed someone and now is probably drinking himself to death.

MJ was really, really worried. )

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Who: Maria and Emma
When: 3/18
Where: Shopping mall
What: Technically, it's bonding, since the roommates aren't killing each other at the moment.
Shopping was something that happened to other people )

Thread: Agni and Lifeguard

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WHO: Heather Cameron and Neal Shaara
WHERE: Vegan restaurant (I assume there's at least ONE in Texas)
WHEN: March 19, 2011, evening
WHAT: Heather and Neal go on a date. I do not foresee this going swimmingly.

After her stupid comment about eating cows... )

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Who: Cain Marko and Marie D'Ancanto
When: Friday, March 18, 2011
Where: Rogue and Kitty's room in Muir
What: Rogue invites Cain in so she can do drugs. Actually, no, it's just power suppressant. So they can finally get that first kiss going.

But there was that feeling that she wouldn't just let it go at that. )
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