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RP Log: Lisa & Seamus [
June 15th, 2009; 8:33pm

Characters: Lisa and Seamus Finnigan
Setting: Early afternoon in their home a few days ago
Summary: Seamus and Lisa paint Teacake's nursery! Lots of things happen including planning their date night, a paint fight, naming Teacake something other than Teacake, and a discussion of their plans to marry someone young and hot when the other dies.
Rating: PG

'Tell me we didn't just decide that in five minutes after months of bouncing ideas around and going 'eh' about all of them.' )

rp log - michael and charity [
June 11th, 2009; 11:01pm

Characters: Michael Corner and Charity Summerby
Setting: In a gym, Atlas Fitness Center, Saturday night
Summary: Michael and Charity have their very first encounter and he gets a piece of advice on women trouble.
Rating: TBD

''Probably lives in a sty with sixteen children, and not one of them by the same bloke. And she's probably gained about 5 stone, and -not- in muscle.'' )

RP Log: Nico & Charity [
June 8th, 2009; 8:34pm

Who: Nico & Charity Summerby
When: Monday, after work
Where: The street they live
What: Nico tries to apologise to Charity about not telling her about Emily.
Rating: PG

'If it'll help, feel free to punch me. Look, you know I'm serious when I'm inviting bodily harm. I bruise easy, and -- just... I swear, Char, kick me in the shins if you need to give it a test.' )

RP Log: Emily, Nico, and Charity [
June 8th, 2009; 12:16am

Who: Nico, Charity, and Emily.
When: Saturday of June 6th!
Where: Nico's flat.
What: Charity comes for a visit! Only Nico wasn't expecting her to. Nor was Emily. Whoops.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete!

'I think I would've panicked less if she'd whipped out adamantium claws.' )

RP Log: Terry & Su [
June 5th, 2009; 9:54pm

Who: Terry Boot, Su Li
When: Tonight!
Where: Some pizzaria place. I don't think they can go back there so it doesn't matter. Hah!
What: She tries to apologise, he tries to assert himself, and then she cries! all hell breaks loose.
Rating: R for some language

'One day, you're going to push away someone you'll actually miss.' )

LOG of "When Pranks Go Very Very Right...?" [
May 31st, 2009; 5:58pm

WHO: Mickey, Holden, Aoife
WHAT: Freeing Mickey
WHEN: 27 May - long after classes
WHERE: Mickey's Classroom

I'm not a bloody robot, you know! )

May 24th, 2009; 11:32pm

Who: Edward Williamson & Heidi Macavoy (cameo by Lydia Williamson!)
When: Saturday evening, May 23
Where: Ed's house!
What: Ed & Heidi have a serious talk, and Ed says something important.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete!

This is real, Heidi, what we have. How I feel. It's real and it's not because of any love potion or anything like that. )

RP Log: Emily and Nico [
May 24th, 2009; 11:43pm

Who: Emily Simon and Nico Summerby.
When: Sunday, May 24th. Evening of!
Where: Flat of one Emily Simon.
What: It is official date #2 for Emily and Nico, and stuff goes well. Massive geekery ensues.
Rating: PG-13. Emily swears once. Blame her for it.
Status: Complete.

'For the record... I think the buttons were jamming on my remote.' )

May 23rd, 2009; 12:34am

Who: Tegan Frobisher and Rob Summers
What: First Meeting!
Where: out and about
When: Saturday Afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete Log!

incomplete log! )

rp log: leif scamander & hal [
May 19th, 2009; 10:49am

Who: Leif Scamander and Halburin!
When: backdated to Sunday, lunchtime
Where: Hal's house
What: Leif is in England and decides to visit, and he drops a huge bombshell by accident.
Rating: G!
Status: Complete

So when he found himself on a visit to England once again, he first dropped in on his parents (who had long since given up on lecturing him) and then went to look in on his sons. )

May 18th, 2009; 11:54am

delivered to Heidi Macavoy )

RP Log: Nico and Emily [
May 13th, 2009; 5:13pm

Characters: Nico Summerby and Emily Simon
Setting: The London Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention, this past Saturday night. (Note: this Convention is fictional and created for narrative purposes)
Summary: Nico meets a girl! A real one!
Rating: G!

A Star Wars fan who washed himself! If there were a Convention Scavenger Hunt, he'd be a ten point item. )

Inter-office Memo to all RLA Faculty and Staff [
May 12th, 2009; 3:45pm


RP Log: Simon and Parvati [
May 11th, 2009; 11:09pm

Characters: Parvati Patil and Simon Capper
Setting: The doorway of the Capper and Boot residence, Monday afternoon
Summary: Parvati issues a Warning/Dire Threat.
Rating: PG-13 for the oozing of pure evil through sweetness

He Who Must Not Be Named Lest He Be Summoned was currently editing a first-draft of an article... )

May 10th, 2009; 9:48pm

Who: Halburin and Charity Summerby!
When: backdated to Friday, 8 May.
Where: The Towering Dwarf! Faculty night!
What: Uh. They meet and he buys her drinks and they chat a little?
Rating: G. :|
Status: Complete.

What's a girl gotta do to get a drink in this place? )

RP Log: Nico & Charity [
May 10th, 2009; 12:48am

Who: Nico & Charity Summerby
When: Wednesday, the 6th of May
Where: Nico's flat
What: Charity decides to bug the hell out of her bro!
Rating: PG

'You haven't left a pile of your dirty socks somewhere?' )

May 4th, 2009; 10:05pm

Who: Mandy and Viktor Krum
When: Monday evening
Where: Chez Krum
What: Baby names, a holiday, and naming traditions are discussed
Rating: G
Status: Complete!

'For the girl, da? Ozymandias Olympia Krum. This will make sure she does not date ever, and my life is easy. You are very wise woman, Amanda.' )

May 2nd, 2009; 11:21pm

Who: Tegan and Nyssa
What: making up? god, I hope so
Where: out and about - Tegan's flat shopping
When: Saturday afternoon

PLACEHOLDER: log will go here when it's done! )

Log: Mickey and Aoife [
May 1st, 2009; 11:00am

Characters: Mickey Wang, Aoife Flaherty
Setting: Free Period, Professor's Lounge(likely just before this post
Summary: Wanting to be helpful, Mickey got something from his Mother to aid Aoife's 'pregnancy'. Misunderstandings Ensue!
Rating: G! (for 'Good grief, you silly thing!')
Read more... )

April 28th, 2009; 8:53pm

Characters: Tegan Frobisher, Vicky Robins, Nys, Dem, etc if they want in!
Setting: Tuesday Evening, Just after dinner?
Summary: Mo' Frobisher Drama!
Rating: PG? Unless there's cursing.
Warnings: None, I don't think.

family drama makes the world go round! )

RP Log: Lisa & Seamus [
April 26th, 2009; 2:07pm

Characters: Lisa and Seamus Finnigan
Setting: Their home on the evening of 19 April (backdated!)
Summary: They fight over the Wii and discuss possible names for Teacake that may or may not revolve around the video game universe.
Rating: PG

'If I could've said 'Hi, I'm Captain Falcon Finnigan, nice to meet you,' I probably could've gotten you to go out with me way earlier.' )

RP Log: Addie and Boyd [
April 26th, 2009; 3:20am

Who: Addie, Boyd, & Alastair MacFusty
When: Thursday evening
Where: MacFusty household!
What: Boyd and Addie broach Rolf's offer of India for the summer for Alastair.
Rating: PG!
Status: Complete!

And with a final yelp of excitement, he bolted for the stairs, leaving his parents to stare in his wake. )

Log: Auset and Mandy BACKDATED [
April 24th, 2009; 10:51pm

Who: Auset and Mandy
When: BACKDATED 3 April
Where: Baby shop
What: Wanting to destress, the two women go shopping for the triplets
Rating: G
Status: Finished

I think it's more that I really want a girl, than simply being drawn to cute little girl clothes )

BACKDATED OWL: To Ellie Branstone! [
April 24th, 2009; 1:22pm

Gifts for Ellie! )

[Sorry these are backdated, I did have them done for her birthday but then..things got a little hectic! Sofia would have made sure Ellie got these the morning of her birthday.]

RP Log: Padma & Simon [
April 22nd, 2009; 10:25pm

Who: Padma Patil, Simon Capper
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Flourish & Blotts
What: Padma & Simon run into each other a second time.
Rating: PG
Status: finito!

Quote )

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