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[24 May 2009|11:32pm]
Who: Edward Williamson & Heidi Macavoy (cameo by Lydia Williamson!)
When: Saturday evening, May 23
Where: Ed's house!
What: Ed & Heidi have a serious talk, and Ed says something important.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete!

This is real, Heidi, what we have. How I feel. It's real and it's not because of any love potion or anything like that. )
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RP Log: Emily and Nico [24 May 2009|11:43pm]
Who: Emily Simon and Nico Summerby.
When: Sunday, May 24th. Evening of!
Where: Flat of one Emily Simon.
What: It is official date #2 for Emily and Nico, and stuff goes well. Massive geekery ensues.
Rating: PG-13. Emily swears once. Blame her for it.
Status: Complete.

'For the record... I think the buttons were jamming on my remote.' )
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[ viewing | May 24th, 2009 ]
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