Thursday, September 5th, 2013

This weekend is my first full weekend off in three months. It will be the last until the end of the year.

Filter: Potters, Weasleys, Dursleys, Lupins

It's not the end of the summer just yet, but it's surely round the corner. So let's have a party. Afternoon picnic and cookout (what do Americans call it? barb-e-q?) this Saturday, our house, Godric's Hollow, noon until whenever.

Bring a significant other, bring a mate, bring a dog, bring a cake, bring yourself. Just let me know who's coming so I can adjust the wards properly and everything.

Filter: Ginny

Probably should have talked to you first but you don't mind, yeah?
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Monday, September 2nd, 2013

I've officially got an appointment with the reserve healer in two weeks to evaluate whether or not I'm fit to return. No doubt these will be two of the longest bloody weeks of my life, but still - I've missed my babies.

In the meantime, I've mastered the art of creating a house of cards, as well as several magic tricks that don't involve magic at all (really, what's the point?), and I am to be hereby known as the Queen of Trivia after spending the entire day watching game shows on the telly. Go on. Ask me anything.

Oh, and Basil has finally decided she likes sitting on my lap more than sitting on my face. I think they call that progress.

Filtered to Maman and Dad )
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I was reading Quidditch Through the Ages again today and I know I've read this sentence hundreds of times over the years but it didn't strike me as odd until today. The line is "In 1620, Quintius Umfraville wrote a book called The Noble Sport of Warlocks which included a diagram of the seventeenth century pitch."

I wonder what old Quintius would think of me and my fellow teammates.
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Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

Okay - I would like to start out with this was NOT my fault. I had NOTHING to do with the water damage to the ceiling in my flat. However there is now a hole in my ceiling and I am in need of a place to stay.

Drew Flint - can I borrow your couch? Pretty please? I cook for free lodging?

And really - the people above me can stop shagging while there is a HOLE in the ceiling and I can hear them.
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Stupid fucking injuries If the Healers at St. Mungo's say I'm alright to play that should be good enough to get me back on the pitch right? Not according to my team I'm off for a few more weeks if anybody wants to keep me from going absolutely mad by doing...something.

[Private to his parents]
Thanks for letting me come stay at the house after I was hurt. It was a nice break.

[Private to Elise Corner]
What are we doing for Ed's birthday? And if you want, I can take care of him during the day instead of you having to take him to daycare until the team lets me back to work. I'd love the extra time with him. And getting to see you every day
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I like dragons. Well, I definitely like baby dragons. But I guess I like anything in baby form. Not that I don't like adult animals, but there's something about baby things. Except for Basil, she isn't a kitten, but I think she has a kitten... soul or something.

Spellotaped Basil )

I do think I've made the right professional decision in working with smaller, fluffier animals, however. Granted, I could just morph any scars I got away but

Also, I'm curious - if you could turn into any other person you knew for a day, who would it be?
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I just had what I thought was going to be a planning meeting about my next work trip and instead turned out to be some sort of intervention.

Well then.

Not quite the Tuesday that I had in mind when I woke up this morning.
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Monday, August 19th, 2013


So I'm curious ... what are our thoughts on each of the Houses? Purely from a Ravenclaw standpoint, I don't give a shit what house you were in, and the only time I did in school was when it came to Quidditch and House points.

Can't say that I think our parents are completely round the bend with their prejudices - and it seems a fair few do have prejudices, on both sides - because they had cause thirty years ago. Do we think there's still those same feelings? I didn't see it, but maybe others have different opinions.

I'd love to hear them.
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Sunday, August 18th, 2013

To: Ted Lupin
From: Victoire Lupin
Time: Evening

I couldn't stand being in the flat anymore )
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Saturday, August 17th, 2013

Looks like Vasuman is really growing up before our eyes.

Cut, not filtered )

He's hunting on his own already, though he's still not big enough to be able to hold his own with the other dragons. He took a nice chunk out of my hand today, but it was all in love so it's no big deal.

Filtered to: Cao

Hey sis, I have a question for you. Say that I'm seeing a very nice lady, and she's perfect and gorgeous. What do I get her for a monthish anniversary gift? Or is that weird?

Filtered to: Viola

Hey Princess. I thought about taking you on a picnic. You game?
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Thursday, August 15th, 2013

In celebration of recent events (which shall not be named), we have the following specials this Friday-Saturday-Sunday at WWW:
buy two pair of
get one Saunders' Invisible Silk free!

all Self-Sufficient Candles 50% off!

come in with your spouse and get one package

Mysterious Midnight Moon Madness
free with any purchase of 5 sickles or more!
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Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

There is a new junior ICW member from Portugal, Benedito, and he arrived today in London.  The former junior member (now senior member), Luisinho, is one that I knew well in my time in Madrid, but we have not spoken in many years.  Luisinho must have given my name to Benedito as someone to speak with in London, as I've been assigned to escort Benedito during his stay here.

Since he did not know me, I can understand that Benedito would want to be certain that I spoke Portuguese before we spent time together in an official capacity.  So, after introducing himself, Benedito- in the most solemn voice- looked me squarely in the eyes and said:

"O meu aerodeslizador está cheio de enguias."

I will grant (here, at least) that my Portuguese is not as sharp as it ought to be.  But I am also certain that this phrase was merely meant to test me, given that it translates to "My hovercraft is full of eels."
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To: Victoire and Ted Lupin
From: Fleur Delacour
Time: 16:00

Owl to Victoire and Ted )

To: Dominique Weasley
From: Fleur Delacour
Time: 16:00

Owl to Dominique )

To: Louis Weasley
From: Fleur Delacour
Time: 16:00

Owl to Louis )
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Burn is infected.
Reserve won't let me back for at least another month.
Owl delivering the signed and official name change paperwork bit me.
And we're out of chocolate biscuits.
Not pleased.
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Monday, August 12th, 2013

I'm tired of drama and it's not even my drama, sooo People might remember that I mentioned having otters at work a bit ago. Today we were able to free them, after a little bit of otter rehab. As heartbreaking as it was for me (though no tears were shed from me, because I'm missing a heart) since we've gotten so used to having them around and caring for them, I'm glad that they're able to go back out into the wild.

So while everyone has been showing off their adorable newly adopted pets, here is my favorite of all the otters... though no adoption was involved.

Picture! )

His name is Samuel, though I doubt he'll use it all too much in the wild.
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To: Fleur
From: Bill
Time: evening, 12 August 2028

well fuck me )

To: Victoire Weasley Lupin, Ted Lupin
From: Bill
Time: evening, 12 August 2028

family is important )
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To: Victoire Weasley Lupin, Dominique Weasley
From: Louis
Time: later evening, 12 August 2028

Did you know? )
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To: Bill Weasley
From: Victoire Lupin
Time: Monday afternoon

Listen, I know this has all turned into a shitstorm... )
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Lot's of family drama going on. I think. I can't really tell from all of the tension and passive aggression.

Glad I'm not getting married or having kids or what all of you crazy people are doing now a days. I'm going to continue with my awesome career and female roommate and puffskein and non-baby-filled uterus and non-ring-wearing finger.

Ahhhh, anyway. Just needed to let that relief be known.

And there are officially McLaggen Magpie shirts for sale over at Quality Quidditch Supplies. You'd think they'd have them already considering I used to work there and have been starting in matches for awhile now. THE NERVE. Anyway, everyone should buy one.
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As Angelina said, this week is certainly full of celebrations and happy events. I had hoped to do this in person, but it wouldn't be fair to interrupt the happy couple on their first few days together. More to the point:

Welcome to the family, Ted!

We're really happy to have you.

Happy Birthday to Ginny as well. I hope the card and gift arrived, but our owl's been a little ill lately and I'm a bit worried actually.

Oh yes, and I can't seem to get the filter to work to my children, but Grandmère and Grandpère will be here on Wednesday and will be staying until next Saturday, please make some time to visit.

Filter: Stewart

I've taken a couple hundred galleons out of the vault for V and Ted as we discussed, though I haven't told them yet. I'm hoping to arrange for a dinner with them and the rest of our children in the next week or so and we can give it to them at that time. Anyway, do you think we can cancel the dinner with our friends on Sunday? I just want to stay in.

Love you
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