Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Owl Invitation

Sent via Malfoy Manor Owls:

Owl Invitation sent to: Millicent Bulstrode, Greg Goyle Sr, Greg Goyle Jr, Isabelle Goyle, Gemma Farley, Theodore Nott, Audrey Nott, Nott Children, Adrian Pucey, Augustus and Elizabeth Pucey, Marcus Flint, Andrew, Carter and Sophia Flint, Pansy Parkinson-Zambini, Blaise, Ashton and Naleada Zambini, Daphne Bletchley, Anastasia, Avery and Miles Avery Jr  )
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Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

what are these things? i don't understand!

i must get some for my children, though. if anything it looks like these will keep me in touch with my family and my friends.

pansy, millicent? are you girls out there somewhere? how can i tell?
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Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

I haven't used this bloody thing in months.

Just arrived back from another trip to Cairo. On my way to Gringotts to turn in my report. Then, I should finally be able to return home. You would assume I'd be used to the long departures by now. It does have its benefits, but I'm chuffed to know that I can actually take a long, relaxing shower again. Rather a rare privilege when you'd been trapped inside a tomb for months. Well, what have I missed?

I need an opportunity to stretch my bones. A little bit of fun is needed. A bender, perhaps. Any suggestions?
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Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Who: Theodore and Audrey Nott
When: Saturday evening
Where: Nott Manor
What: Together time
Rating: PG maybe
Status: In progress

Sometimes Theodore wished he had more time at home )
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Friday, July 26th, 2013

My beloved husband notified me this morning at breakfast that I have become a social recluse. He didn't use those words exactly but he asked if I had heard about the dragon and glitches. I had not. In my defense the weather has been just delightful as of late and I have spent a good amount of time in the garden. I can hardly be blamed for enjoying the estate and my family.

Perhaps he is right, though. (And he will simply love that I have just said that publicly.). How is everyone's calendar? Perhaps someone would be interested in tea sometime soon. I am assuming that these things are still popular, yes?
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Monday, July 15th, 2013

Okay - I played reserves. I played my way up in the ranks. I get needing practice time with first string to get playing experience. I do. Sophia got her clavicle broken in practice today - by some beater that had no business playing with the first string yet. Thankfully she has good reflexes or it might have been her head.

Yes, I know it's a rough sport. Yes I know injuries happen. Friendly fire and all. But it never makes it easier to get the bloody owl from St. Mungo's. I hate those owls anymore. They never seem to have GOOD news.

Mills, thanks for the pain killer potions - I know you hate adding grape flavoring but you did it for her.

And when I said we could order take out tonight I didn't know she was ordering the entire menu. I hope the boys are showing up...
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Sunday, July 14th, 2013

How is it Sunday already? This weekend went by too quickly. Pity I don't have a timeturner.
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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

I suppose I should thank - or blame, depending on how this goes - my lovely cousin for encouraging me until I got one of these tablets. I have to admit, I wasn't entirely certain it would be at all entertaining. Have we yet come to a consensus about whether they're worth the expense and the trouble keeping up with what everyone's saying?
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Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Well, my darling husband has convinced me. I bought one of these bizarre contraptions, and I hope to be further able to contact my dear friends (and family, if Adrian can be convinced) with it. So, who all is here?
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Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Antiquis: Theodore Nott IV

I remain unconvinced by this contraption, It relies far too much on the idea that others may be addicted to it and constantly checking for replies to be remotely efficient. This 'stylus' is also rather cumbersome, and not nearly as smooth as a quill. I suppose the only bright note might be that it wastes less parchment, but I'm not sure that''s all together a great benefit. Nevertheless, I have agreed to at least give it a trial before completely binning the thing, so we will see. The children were dully horrified to find out that both Audrey and I have one which was also a solid point in its favour.

- T. Nott
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Monday, July 1st, 2013

While I was out shopping today I came across these devices being demonstrated in the shop. They looked so interesting that I bought two of them to try them out.

Is anyone else on here to test them out? I'm told they are becoming quite fashionable.
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