Chickens, ducks, quail, goats, sheep

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Wednesday, March 12th, 2008
8:59a - Chicken breeds
Apparently the rooster we thought was a Redcap is not a Redcap, but a breed called a Buttercup. No...really.

Information about them is here: (the official American Buttercup Club. I try not to laugh)

They are also listed as Critical on the ALBC. We're still pondering letting Mara breed some for 4-H though.

Since I'm posting pictures of chicken breeds, here are some of our others with information:
Black Australorps These are listed as Recovering on the ALBC.

Orpingtons Ours are Buff. So they look like this.

We also have Ameraucana or Araucanas We aren't sure which. Ours look exactly like the one on the second link the last pic on the right. Either way, they'll lay blue/green eggs when they start.

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