Chickens, ducks, quail, goats, sheep

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Monday, September 17th, 2007
10:20a - Introductions!
I am Ari. I expect Smeg will be along momentarily. We are the two dykes part of the equation and this is our journey you'll be reading about.

So far, what we've decided is that we're starting with poultry. Three kinds. Chickens, ducks and quail.

For the chickens, we don't have a set breed, so far we've had Black Astrolorps (3), Red Star sex links (3), Golden sex link (3), Rhode Island Red(1), Black Star sex linked (1), and a Silver laced Wydonette (1) along with a rooster of unknown orgin. We also have on order, more Black Astrolorps (25), Buff Orpingtons (25) and Amerucauna (5). All of them are for eggs, brown layers actually, other than the Amerucaunas which lay blue, green and pink eggs, which is why they are called Easter Egg Chickens.

Ducks. We'll be having two varieties, Muscovy for meat and Khaki Campbell for eggs. The eggs are apparently much sought after by pastry chefs because they have a higher fat content and more yellow yokes.

Quail. I think we've narrowed it down to Coturnix. Which start laying eggs at 7 weeks old. These are dual purpose, meat and eggs.

We'll also have peacocks. Because I love peacocks. Not for eating and not for eggs. Because they're pretty.

The ducks and quail have to wait for the farm to be purchased, other than the chickens which we already have.

We're also thinking of doing dairy goats and sheep, mostly to make cheese. Yum. Cheese.

That's about it. We'll be posting here about the loads of information we're discovering.

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6:45p - Sheeps and Llamas
The one part Ari didn't mention is the sheeps. They're a little more ways down the road than the others, partly because the ones are want are kinda expensive (starting at $500 or so). Not for meat, although there will always be culls we'll sell to the butcher. Dairy, mostly, and we'll also be selling their wool, but wool is just not very profitable unless you're getting into alpacas or something.

Also? I desire a llama. To guard the sheep. Because the idea of a guard llama entertains me so very much.

current mood: cheerful

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