June 2012

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April 1st, 2012

[info]ofcraftsmanship in [info]themoderngodooc

Just me with apologies. Hopefully they're the last I'll have to give since I'm taking myself firmly in hand. However, Stuff Happened recently which meant I haven't been around.

Stuff has stopped Happening now, though, and I'm over its aftermath. So yay!

I also need to apologise for not replying to pokes on AIM. Both times I was caught just as I was about to vanish and I couldn't hang around at the time. Sorry *snuggles*

Alison - Goibhniu/Gerdhr

[info]modernmod in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey hey hey we have two new players and six new characters! Head over to the f-button!

We have:

Shae with [info]perfumed_feline | Bast
[info]rosesosweet | Rose Montgomery

Hemera with [info]thedeadgod | Baldr

Kellie with [info]velesvolosvolus | Veles

Steph with [info]afieryarrow | Brigid


Kate with [info]beautyandjoy | Hathor

[info]perfumed_feline in [info]themoderngodooc

Hello hello, all

I believe that I know SO MANY of you already - I'm Shae and I'm bringing in two to start with (probably going to keep it there for a while for my sanity. ;) ) First up is the Egyptian Goddess Bast, stuck in the unawaken form of Miriam, who has her own upscale cat boutique in NYC. She's nouveau riche but isn't afraid of saving up to get what she needs or wants. I'd love some interaction from all sides, since she's a rather friendly little thing!! Also, someone to help awaken her would be amazing.

Then, as is my habit, I have a plain old vanilla human in Rose Montgomery ([info]rosesosweet). She's a singer, studying at Juilliard, and I'm thinking of having her waitress for a part time job in between looking for gigs. Throw whoever you'd like at her, I'd love any and all storylines. The more Gods to mess with a mere mortal, the better!

You can get me on AIM @ roseechelon or via either contact post.


[info]thedeadgod in [info]themoderngodooc

Hiiii everyone! I'm Hemera and I'm new. Being a HUGE mythology geek, I just had to join this game when I saw it and I'm really really excited to be here.

I'm bringing in Baldr, who is the son of Odin and Frigg and the golden boy of the Norse pantheon. Back in the old days, Baldr was one of those super happy, nice people who most people loved and adored and wanted to be around. Unfortunately, he was killed by Loki's trickery and went to be with Hel in her underworld. Although he wasn't very happy in the beginning, he eventually grew pretty comfortable with his fate and accepted it.

Currently, Baldr and his vessel are merged peacefully with one another and he attends the School of Visual Arts and works at a comic book shop to keep himself busy. He hasn't really tried to seek out his fellow gods because he's been mostly content with his new life, but that's definitely going to change soonish.

So... Plots?! I am up to any and all sorts and you can email me at bombsandsatellites@yahoo.com or catch me on aim at monkeyscanskype.