June 2012

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March 19th, 2012

[info]queen_of_the in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey ya'll! L here with my second, Piper Prescott aka Proserpina of the Roman Pantheon! There isn't much to say about Piper herself because Proserpina has nearly complete control but lets see- she is 19, a student at... a college (I didn't pick because I wasn't positive where others were so let me know!!) studying Physical Geography and Bio, which was Proserpina's choice of course. She grew up near Salem but it didn't go well, having the Queen of the Dead, possessing you, so she jumped at the chance to leave to the city.

Proserpina is the goddess of rebirth, Queen of the Underworld and the Goddess of Spring. She woke up when Piper was seven and has been gaining power since then, mostly through the dead. The only reason Piper is still inside of the body is Proserpina's own compassion on souls, though it is growing thing. She is fairly powerful, completely awake, and on a quest to find the other god souls.

[info]swift_arrows in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey there everyone! My name is Monica and I'm brand spanking new to this game, although I've played with a few of you before at other places. Anywho, I'm happy to be bringing in Artemis of the Greek Pantheon, but she's not awakened just yet so you guys are gonna meet Mari Gallagher first. She's 26, working on her Ph.D at NYU on Linguistics while working like three semi-jobs in order to pay for her apartment in Greenwich Village. She's pretty chill, but I'm gonna need to play and getting her interacting with people in order to get a real feel for her. So that's where you guys come in! Feel free to hit me up here, AIM or email if you have any plottage ideas you'd like to send my way!

Looking forward to playing with you guys!


[info]ohmygods in [info]themoderngodooc

Hello! Steph with a seventh pup here. Meet Nadia Lewis, Lydia's mysterious sister who got lost in the foster system and then eventually the US mental health system. But she's alright now - and working in your friendly neighborhood gym as a personal trainer. So go on, burn that fat! Although, that is mostly Nike talking - your common Greek Goddess of Victory, Speed and Strength. Yes, that means she's sort of the Flash's slower sister and that she can literally swallow a burger before you've even noticed that it was gone. Nike is a bombastic in your face personality. Nadia on the other hand, is even more shy than Hayden is, so proceed with caution there.

Lines, friends and etcetera are absolutely needed, although she calls dibs on Athena and Zeus!

And apparently she's decided she knows Casper.

[info]aly_cat in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey there boys and girls.

Emily again, bringing you my second girl, and once again writing her intro while really tired, although at least home this time instead of on a train.

So this is Alyson Hellings, more commonly known to those in her circles as Aly (although I'm open to nicknames from those people too). She is very rich after coming into her parent's inheritance when she and her twin graduated high school, and uses that money to party and buy clothes and drugs mainly. Let's try some bullet points for past points!

- 21
- Had an identical twin, Amber.
- Lost her parents in a car crash when she was 6, and her twin was in a coma for a while.
- Grew up with barely any money, but lots of drive to enjoy herself anyway and do what it took to try new things.
- Drug of choice is cocaine, which she started in her teens as a way of trying to get rid of nightmares.
- Moved to NY after graduation, so a good two years of establishing herself in the gossip pages and the social scene.
- She's had a very bad year!
- Her identical twin, Amber, died in June 2011.
- Moved to California to escape and ended up pregnant by some guy in a bar.
- Tried a relationship with said guy (Charlie), which was always a little rocky.
- She lost the baby in February.
- One massive argument where he accused her of killing their baby.
- Now back in NY she is determined to party, pretend California never happened and throw herself back into her old ways, partying for both her and Amber instead now.

Would looooooove some people for her! Exes, men she's seduced, women she's wronged, 'friends', maybe even some actual friends. Whatever you can think up!


[info]wellversed in [info]themoderngodooc


Okay, so, I wanna take on a female chara and someone younger. I have a chara that I made for another group ages ago, but she never actually ended up being used. I'd like to tweak her and add to who she is by customizing her to fit a line here at MG (human or god soul). If anyone is interested in a 17-year-old brat taking up some sort of line for a chara, let me know!

Here's how she is as of now, totally un-edited from who she was originally: [info]elisa_is_betta

Hit me up on AIM or reply here if you have ideas!

[info]cbenharrison in [info]themoderngodooc

OKAY! So, for shits and giggles.. I was thinking it might be fun for all of us to try and find PBs to represent what our gods/goddesses USED TO look like.. when they weren't stuck inside mortal vessels. I haven't had much time to search for my own, but I've been wanting to so I have a mental picture. They wouldn't be for use in game, or even need to be documented anywhere beyond this OOC post. Just thought it could be interesting.

*runs off to look*