June 2012

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February 13th, 2012

[info]modernmod in [info]themoderngodooc

Alllllrighty then we've got another brand new player and two new characters! I'm doing adds every time I get apps I approve of however I'm probably going to switch to doing them only on like.. Tuesdays or something.

If you haven't introduced your character or yourself yet please do and something to remember: original mortal characters are playable so if you don't want to bring in another god but do want another character you can do that instead!

That being said I'm thinking of upping the character count to an even six and may take on my sixth to be a mortal just to encourage it more with anyone checking out the game. If any of you guys would like your character to have a relative of some sort (brother, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, cousin, ~whatever~) to your god's vessel I'd love to work that in, otherwise I'll do something independent of that. Just hit me up on AIM at icethesun!

And as always any thoughts/ideas/major plots you want seen in the game I'm down for hearing and trying to incorporate!

Here's the friend-add button, have at thee.

P.S. Any wanted characters, god or mortal, comment here and I'll mention them in the next round of ads I do!!