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December 24th, 2018




So, when I emerge from this holiday chaos, it looks like I'm making a second character. I know, don't laugh. Or do ;) I have this possibly Ricky Whittle shaped muse to fill a potential line. (It's like my muses can't stay away from witches, I tell you.) I'm leaning towards his being a mechanic, but could also be a fireman.

Now I'm thinking he'd be a 1. hunter-to-be-turned-shifter or a 2. born werewolf. But I'm taking suggestions since I can't properly brain this until after Wednesday. Any thoughts? Plot-bunnies? Evil ideas?




From what I saw anyone can post here - I'm really looking for a supernatural game to join, and this one looks great. I'm hoping to take a male hunter, someone within the purist sect that has family within it that has indoctrinated him young and is hard up on the ideals and goals of being a purist. He, however, is a far from that and a bit of a puppy at heart - real soft and kind, although he's learned to be a hunter cause he's scared of going outright against the mold that his father and brother or sis has built up for him. Likely fake hunts or disappears during vital points of hunts. I'm thinking young ish, early to mid twenties probably. Obviously I'll have to use a premade base which is fine with me, and I was hoping I could fill some wanteds if any of the above sounded good to anyone?

I have the general desire for a fake good, secretly dark witch too just from reading over things lol.

I'm available on discord if anyone wants a line filled and wants to chat about it.