ᴘʀᴇᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ( ʟɪɴᴇs )

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November 14th, 2018




I wasn't really gonna post until he was accepted but fuggedaboutit. I got time tonight. @-@

This is Isaac Parrish, a counter clerk/tea maker/stockboy at Crow Haven Corner, suppliers for all needs metaphysical. He lives in the apartment above the shop, graciously given to him by his half-brother Monroe. Isaac is the illegitimate son of James Parrish - everyone who was anyone knew James was seeing someone on the side before his death. No one quite knew who it was. It was Isaac's mother, Amy Moon. Up until a couple of years ago, Isaac went by his mother's maiden name to hide who his father was.

Boy's loud and unafraid to share his opinion. He likes his loud-print streetwear and ffs, don't scuff up his sneakers, okay? He has the ability of astral projection which he uses probably more than he should and definitely likes dreamwalking the best. (But he never pops up into dreams on purpose without permission.) Although he's not much for rules, he also likes order in the chaos. It's a whole thing.

Pre-Made connections:
Good vibes: the Montgomery clan of vampires
BAD BAD vibes: The Princes, the Corwins, and the Thornes.

Personal lines: Someone older who knew exactly what was going on with James and who Isaac was but never said anything and was kind of like a second-mother/grandmother/grandfather sort.

Also, an ex of some kind - any gender. Either an amicable split or a slightly unhappy one because him and closed relationships don't happen unless he knows that's what the other person wants ahead of time.

Calling Out Castor - ay, yo. Boo. Boy here can deliver you some smudgey goodness and whatever else from the shop. Also, plz for the love of god let him dreamwalk you into some good sleep. Stop the torture on your body. You will die. Literally.

Okay peace out.