"To my way of thinking, whether it’s a superhero movie or a romance or a comedy or whatever, the most important thing is you’ve got to care about the characters. You’ve got to understand the characters and you’ve got to be interested. If the characters are interesting, you’re halfway home." – Stan Lee

“I wanted them to be diverse. The whole underlying principle of the X-Men was to try and be an anti-bigotry story to show there’s good in every person.” – Stan Lee

January 3rd, 2012



Meanwhile ...

Who: Sabertooth, locked to Wolverine
What: A good old fashioned fight
Where: New York City
When: January 3rd, 2012
Rating: Mature, for blood and violence
Status: LOCKED, Incomplete

You can't save these dogs Logan! Nobody can! They'll all die regardless of what you do! )