themarvelsooc's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

Movie Marvel
a marvelverse rpg
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[30 Mar 2016|11:38pm]
Wow I almost picked a really bad icon for this post. Let me tell you what. I know it's just a little gathering here right now but let me take a moment to introduce myself. I'm Heather. It's really weird to play a character that has the same name as you, I realize, but oh well! Here I am. I'm 28, currently in ridiculously poor health and have been RPing since the dawn of AOL chatrooms. I mean that literally.

It's really weird to be about 11 or 12 years old and your first experience with RP is watching weirdos in an Anne Rice Interview With the Vampire chatroom do BDSM... Mindblowing. Super awkward. Ran away to Sailor Moon shortly after.

Sincerely: [info]_inthesun [info]nachtmusik

PS. Please accept this gif of ducks: )

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