December 8th, 2007

[info]sheta_kaey in [info]thelema


Welcome aboard. Post at will. Feel free to suggest stuff to add to the community info page, or interests to add to the list.

Read the rules, from the info page:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Discussion of Thelema and subjects pertinent to Thelema. No order wars, please do that somewhere else. Lively debate is fine. Trolls will be banned. No extinct marsupials, kthx. Anyone wishing to help moderate is welcome to volunteer, but if I don't know you, I'll need references in the form of mutual friends. Sock puppets will result in all known accounts being banned. Don't be an asshole, and everything will be fine.

For now, membership is unmoderated and so is posting. If that needs to change, I'll let you know. Feel free to friends lock your posts if you want to. No spamming without permission from the maintainer(s).

No character assassination of fellow members without seriously good reason.

Basically, this community will remain as unmoderated as possible, but I reserve the right to remove anyone for any reason or change the rules just because it's Thursday or it happens to be raining. Whatever.

Go at it, and try to enjoy yourselves.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.

EDIT: Contribution of a nice custom layout will be greeted with much joy.

February 2008

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