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shadowhurst ic

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The Night was Theirs [06 Jul 2015|06:16pm]

Characters: Ash, open
When: close to midnight, Monday night
Location: Cemetery
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated, but tbd
Summary: Ash "works" while watching for anyone who might want to chat in a dark cemetery

It wasn't like they didn't know where to find her )

Fireworks [04 Jul 2015|08:11am]

Characters: Jake, open Babette
When: Friday, later night (11-ish)
Location: the streets of downtown
Warnings/Rating: Language, maybe
Summary: Too wired to sleep, Jake roams around looking for something open

Fire in the sky )

[04 Jul 2015|03:37am]

Who: Ellis and Jaime
What: Drinks after work
Where: Vida Nocturna
When: Friday night, around ten pm.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Tonight's Forecast: 99% chance of wine. )

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