The Glorious Hellequin and Her Crew - August 17th, 2007

User: [info]thehellequin (posted by [info]hellboundknaves)
Date: 2007-08-17 00:44
Subject: Disembarking [open, plot]
Security: Public

Today, finally, is the day that the noble Hellequin disembarks and goes out to make some type of dubious fortune. The ship is provisioned, repaired, and crewed by reasonable reliable men (and a few women, to the Captain's chagrin and general embarrassment to the ship's reputation).

Everyone is bustling around, making last minute preparations, and here's the last chance to get on (or off, but who'd want to?).

All aboard who's going aboard.

[This is it, the moment you've been waiting for! Feel free to tag in with your pups, minlge, and narrate various things going on aboard the ship. After this, your pups are on the high seas, with all that entails.]

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my journal
September 2007